Resinous Lackporling

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Resinous Lackporling
Resinous Lackporling (Ganoderma resinaceum)

Resinous Lackporling ( Ganoderma resinaceum )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Stalk porlings (Polyporales)
Family : Lackporlingsverwandte (Ganodermataceae)
Genre : Lackporlinge ( Ganoderma )
Type : Resinous Lackporling
Scientific name
Ganoderma resinaceum

The resinous Lackporling ( Ganoderma resinaceum ) is a fungus from the genus of the Lackporlinge ( Ganoderma ).


The Harzige Lackporling is a console-shaped mushroom that can be 15–35 cm long, 10–20 cm wide and 4–8 cm thick. The top is colored red or purple-brown. The hat is covered in a pale yellow resin crust that melts in the flame of a match or lighter. The bulging edge is fresh yellow to yellow-orange, and cream-colored when dry. The underside of the mushroom, covered with round pores (3 per mm), is white when young and later cream-colored. The tubes are about 8-10 mm long. The relatively thin trama is light brown and tough, cork-like. When cutting young fruit bodies, juice comes out, which solidifies into a resinous mass in a short time. The fruiting bodies are annual.

Way of life

The Harzige Lackporling is a weak parasite and saprobiont prefers on oaks and less often on other deciduous trees. Like the other species of the genus, it is also a white rot pathogen . It seldom occurs in near-natural forests, otherwise in parks, on the edges of the road on planted trees. The fruiting bodies appear from late June to mid-November.


The Harzige Lackporling occurs from the tropics to the temperate zones, it has been detected in Asia, North America, North Africa and Europe. In Europe it shows a sub-Mediterranean distribution and occurs rarely outside the Mediterranean countries, north it goes to southern England, Denmark and Latvia. Very rare in Germany, but has already been found in all federal states, it prefers warmer locations. The species in Central Europe is potentially endangered by cutting down old park and avenue trees.


Outwardly, the Harzige Lackporling is very similar to the Kupferroten Lackporling , but is evidently very closely related to the Shining Lackporling , and it may even be just a locale of this very variable species.

Resinous Lackporling


The resinous varnish is out of the question as an edible mushroom, as a wood pest it is insignificant.


Web links

Commons : Harziger Lackporling ( Ganoderma resinaceum )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files