Hassane Kounou

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Hassane Kounou (born April 7, 1949 in Dosso ; † September 8, 2018 in Paris ) was a Nigerien politician and diplomat .


Hassane Kounou worked as a teacher and school principal as well as a prefect in the state administration. In 1992 he was a founding member of the Nigerien Alliance for Democracy and Progress (ANDP-Zaman Lahiya) party. When its party chairman Adamou Moumouni Djermakoye was President of the National Assembly from 1993 to 1994 , Kounou served as its head of cabinet . Hassane Kounou was Minister for Youth, Sport and Culture in the government of President Mahamadou Issoufou of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism (PNDS-Tarayya) from 2011 to 2013 . He was accused that funds from a state culture promotion fund were largely given to party members of the ANDP-Zaman Lahiya. In 2014 he became Niger's ambassador to Senegal . He became seriously ill and had been in France for medical treatment since 2017 .

Kounou died in 2018 and was buried at Yantala Muslim Cemetery in Niamey . He left two wives and eight children.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Zabeirou Moussa: Funérailles de l'ancien ministre et ambassadeur, M. Kounou Hassane: La Nation rend hommage au diplomate. In: Niger Diaspora. September 14, 2018, accessed on September 16, 2018 (French).
  2. ^ A b Hommage republicain à l'ancien ambassadeur Kounou Hassane. Agence Nigérienne de Presse, September 13, 2018, accessed on September 16, 2018 (French).
  3. Necrology: Hassan Kounou n'est plus… In: Tamtam Info. September 8, 2018, accessed September 16, 2018 (French).
  4. Qui sont les nouveaux membres du gouvernement? Association Tedhil, April 25, 2011, accessed September 16, 2018 (French).
  5. Le gouvernement nigérien. In: IZF.net. Retrieved September 16, 2018 (French).
  6. ^ Niger: Un scandale dans le ministère de Kounou Hassane. In: PlaneteAfrique. September 11, 2012, accessed September 16, 2018 (French).
  7. Hassane Kounou, Ambassadeur du Niger au Sénégal et ancien ministre est mort ce samedi à Paris. In: Niamey et les 2 jours. September 9, 2018, accessed September 16, 2018 (French).