Heinrich Christian Diffené

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Heinrich Christian Diffené (born November 27, 1804 in Mannheim ; † November 11, 1883 ) was a German entrepreneur and politician. From 1852 to 1861 he was the first mayor of Mannheim.

Diffené was born in 1804 as the son of the landlord Johann Daniel Diffené , who later was also one of the first Mannheim representatives in the Baden Estates Assembly . He attended the Lyceum in Mannheim and was trained as a businessman abroad. Back in Mannheim, he founded a wine shop, which he united with that of his father-in-law after the wedding. Diffené was elected to the Chamber of Commerce , but later declined an appointment as president. He was the founder and chairman of the supervisory board of the Mannheimer Dampfschleppschifffahrtsgesellschaft and co-founder of the Mannheim Stock Exchange and the Badische Bank . In 1868 he also became a commercial judge at the Mannheim Commercial Court.

In 1852, Diffené, who had already been a member of the city council, was elected First Mayor of Mannheim after Friedrich Reiss resigned . During his tenure, which lasted until 1861, the new hospital was built , the National Theater was rebuilt , the mirror factory was established and the grinding track was built around the squares . Later he was also a member of the customs parliament and the first chamber of the Baden state parliament, where he was elected vice-president.

The city of Mannheim maintains his grave in the main cemetery as a grave of honor . His son Philipp Diffené became an honorary citizen of Mannheim in 1903.


  • Friedrich von Weech:  Diffené, Heinrich Christian . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 47, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1903, p. 695 f.
  • Friedrich Walter : Mannheim in the past and present. Volume 2: History of Mannheim from the transition to Baden (1802) to the foundation of the empire. 1907. Unchanged reprint: Frankfurt am Main 1978, ISBN 3-8128-0001-2 .
  • Rudolf Haas and Wolfgang Münkel: Guide to the graves of well-known Mannheim personalities. Mannheim 1981.

See also

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