Heinrich Ernemann

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Robert Sterl : Portrait of Heinrich Ernemann (1919), original lost
Ermemann's summer villa Heinrichs Eck in the photos Partie in the Kurpark and the villa district Hartha , 1904
Heinrich Ernemann's grave in the Johannisfriedhof in Dresden-Tolkewitz

Heinrich Ernemann (born May 28, 1850 in Gernrode (Eichsfeld) ; † May 16, 1928 in Kurort Hartha ; full name: Johann Heinrich Ernemann ) was a German entrepreneur and inventor in the photo and cinema equipment industry and founder of Ernemann-Werke AG .


Heinrich Ernemann came to Dresden in 1876 to take over a haberdashery shop . This was sold again in 1889 and Ernemann bought himself into Wilhelm Franz Matthias's camera workshop in Pirnaer Straße. He established himself in the still young photo industry and with foresight expanded the company into one of the most important photo and cinema technology companies in the German Reich.

His son Alexander (1878–1956) joined the company in 1904. In 1910 Ernemann received the Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Order of Albrecht . His reputation and influence continued to grow, so that in 1913 he was appointed Royal Saxon Council of Commerce . Ernemann campaigned intensively for the creation of a chair for photography at the Technical University of Dresden . Later he and his son Alexander became founding members of the Society of Patrons and Friends of the TH Dresden eV. The award of an honorary doctorate (Dr.-Ing. E. h.) From the Technical University of Dresden on July 24, 1924 was a tribute to his life's work.

In 1926 the Ernemann-Werke merged with Carl Zeiss , the Optischen Anstalt CP Goerz , the Internationale Camera Actiengesellschaft (ICA) and the Contessa-Nettel to form Zeiss-Ikon AG. The history of the Dresden family business came to an end after 37 years. Heinrich Ernemann was a member of the supervisory board of the new company.

Ernemann died in 1928 in his summer villa Heinrichs Eck (today: Am Hartheberg 21) built in 1900 in the health resort of Hartha . His grave is in the Johannisfriedhof in Dresden- Tolkewitz .

The villa that the Ernemann family moved into in 1891 at Justinenstrasse 8 in Dresden- Blasewitz fell victim to the air raid on February 13, 1945 and was demolished in the post-war period. In their place there is now an apartment block. Ernemann daughter is the mother of Hans Heyne , AEG - CEO 1962-1964.


  • Walter Schulz:  Ernemann, Johann Heinrich. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 4, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1959, ISBN 3-428-00185-0 , p. 604 ( digitized version ).
  • Richard Hummel: 150 years of cameras from Dresden. In: Jenaer Rundschau No. 2/1989, ISSN  0368-203X , p. 59ff.
  • Peter Göllner: Ernemann Cameras. The history of the Dresden Photo-Kino-Werk. With a catalog of the most important products. Wittig Fachbuchverlag, Hückelhoven 1995, ISBN 3-930359-29-4 .
  • Herbert Blumtritt: History of the Dresden Photo Industry . 2nd edition, Lindemanns Verlag, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-89506-212-X .
  • Jan Abu Kaulfuhs: Dresdner worldwide. Ernemann's granddaughter about flight and wanderlust. In: Dresdner Latest News from July 11, 1998.
  • Frohmut V. Barsch (Ed.): Information brochure on the inauguration ceremony of the restored Villa Ernemann. Bissendorf / Kurort Hartha July 24th / July 26th 1998.
  • André Kaiser: Completion of the reconstruction of the "Heinrichs Eck" villa. 70th anniversary of the death of the royal Saxon Chamber of Commerce Dr. eh Heinrich Ernemann. Founder of the Dresden photo industry. In: Harthaer Gemeindeblätt'l from August 1998.
  • Dorit Oehme: Happy ending for the summer house. In: Sächsische Zeitung, Freitaler Zeitung, 4./5. February 2012, p. 16

Web links

Commons : Heinrich Ernemann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. 50 years of Ernemann. Schweizer Film = Film Suisse: official organ of Switzerland, accessed on June 14, 2020 .
  2. ^ Sächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden, inventory 11722, Zeiss Ikon AG, Dresden, 1889–1949
  3. ^ [1] Private homepage of Dresden districts