Heinrich Heß (alpinist)

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Heinrich Heß (born December 29, 1857 in Vienna ; † March 7, 1944 there ) was an Austrian mountaineer , author of mountain guides and is considered to be the developer of the Gesäuses .


Heinrich Hess.jpg

Heinrich Heß gained importance as the author of the first Gesäusführer, which in its publication year 1884 was the first German-speaking guide for an Alpine region. From the seventh edition, in 1921, Eduard Pichl appeared as a co-author . A total of ten editions followed by 1954, the tenth edition was reprinted in 1971. It was not until 1988, more than a hundred years after it was first published, that Willi End was able to present a complete revision of the Gesäusführer as Alpine Club Leader and fill a decade-long gap in the guide literature.

The Hesshütte in the Gesäuse is named after Heinrich Hess.

First ascents

  • Peternpfad on the Planspitze on June 11, 1877, led by Andreas Rodlauer as the first tourist
  • Waterfall path in its original state, without the insurances attached afterwards, also to the Planspitze, on July 5, 1877 as the first tourist
  • Kleiner Buchstein north-east summit ( 1985  m above sea level ) on August 29, 1877 with E. Gerstenberg and Andreas Rodlauer

In addition, Heß carried out numerous early inspections in the Gesäuse mountains.


The high tourist in the Eastern Alps is an eight-volume work that he published together with Ludwig Purtscheller between 1894 and 1930. This book, which appeared in the Meyer's travel book series, was a standard work in Eastern Alpine guide literature for decades. He also edited the communications of the German and Austrian Alpine Club from 1889 to 1919 and the magazine of the German and Austrian Alpine Club (yearbook) from 1895 to 1919 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Hess: Special guide through the Gesäuse and through the Ennsthal mountains between Admont and Eisenerz . First edition. Artaria, Vienna 1884, Textarchiv - Internet Archive .
  2. Catalog list Styrian State Library .
  3. Willi End: Gesäuseberge. A guide for valleys, huts and mountains, written according to the guidelines of the UIAA . First edition. Rother, Munich 1988, ISBN 3-7633-1248-X .
  4. ^ Catalog of the Austrian Library Association .
  5. ZDB -ID 511820-7 .
  6. ZDB -ID 201034-3 .