Heinrich Hunke (publisher)

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Friedrich Heinrich Hunke (born February 18, 1879 in Detmold , † March 4, 1953 in Kiel ) was a German book and music dealer and publisher .

Live and act

Heinrich Hunke was a son of Friedrich Emil Hunke (* August 4, 1845 in Detmold; † August 12, 1900 ibid) and his wife Amalie Marie , née Vette (* July 24, 1855 in Detmold; November 4, 1946 ibid). His father produced stone nut heads in Detmold and co-founded the Lippische Handels- und Gewerbeverein. The maternal grandfather was the Detmold master carpenter Friedrich Wilhelm Franz Vette (1813–1890). The paternal grandfather was the Detmold court musician Friedrich Wilhelm Adolph Hunke.

Hunke studied from 1885 to 1894 at the elementary school and the secondary school of the Detmold Leopoldinum . His father had to raise 1,000 gold marks for an apprenticeship as a bookseller at the Gerstenberg brothers' bookstore in Hildesheim , which he completed from 1894 to 1897. He then worked as an assistant in P. Hoppenrath's bookstore in Osnabrück until 1898 , then until 1901 in the Deuerlich bookstore in Göttingen and at Struppe and Winkler in Berlin .

Hunke did his military service as a one-year volunteer with the Lippe House Regiment (Infantry Regiment No. 55). In 1902 he moved to Kiel and worked for Walter Georg Mühlau, whose father was a theology professor. Mühlau opened the Walter G. Mühlau bookstore directly at the University of Kiel on October 15, 1902 , and took Hunke on as a partner on October 1, 1907. Mühlau died young in February 1908. Hunke was subsequently declared the sole owner of the bookstore, which was located at Brunswiker Strasse 22a, with retroactive effect from January 1, 1908.

Hunke offered entertainment and daily literature, devoted himself in particular to university studies and offered music. In 1905 an affiliated publishing house was established. In the following year, a commercial building was built on the opposite plot of land 29a, the upper floors of which burned down after an air raid during the Second World War . In an air raid on May 22, 1944, bombs destroyed the entire inventory and all stocks. Hunke then relocated his business to Holtenauer Straße 73 and suffered new damage in August due to bomb hits. In 1951 he moved into rented rooms in the corner house at Holtenauer Straße 116 / Beselerallee, where he was able to expand his retail space. He now ran the "University Bookstore Walter G. Mühlau", which benefited from its proximity to the New University.

Over the course of 45 years, Hunke created the largest bookstore in Kiel, which, due to its versatility, was important for the city's cultural life. The business was based on the sale of a wide range of books and music. In addition, the owner built up a publishing house that was important beyond Kiel and mainly published literature on local history and regional history. The most important works included:

  • The "History of Schleswig-Holstein" by Otto Brandt . It was first published in 1925 and developed into a standard work. Adaptations by Wilhelm Klüver appeared as "Brandt / Klüver" until the 1980s .
  • In 1928, “Schleswig-Holstein's history and life in maps and pictures” (“Nordmark Atlas”) by Otto Brandt and Karl Wölfle was added.
  • In 1926 Paul von Hedemann-Heespen published “The Duchies of Schleswig-Holstein and the Modern Era” .
  • In 1935, "Schleswig-Holstein mansions, manors and gardens of the 18th century" by Peter Hirschfeld went to print.

Since the 1920s, the staff and course catalog of Kiel University has been published regularly.

In the field of music, Hunke expanded the music trade with a concert agency. He organized concerts for the Verein der Musikfreunde and organized large music festivals, which Fritz Stein directed. These included the Bach and Handel Festival, the General German Tonkünstler Festival and the Nordic Music Festival. Hunke received visits from renowned conductors and soloists. In addition to the concerts, Hunke organized poetry readings, lectures and recitation evenings.

Before the First World War , Hunke initiated the “Academic Reading Circle” in Kiel, which existed for many years. Together with state director Friedrich Teichert , he founded the Kiel local association of the Goethe Society in 1947 , which he looked after with his bookstore.

On the fiftieth anniversary in 1952, Hunke transferred company shares to his daughter Waltraud. A little later he became seriously ill and died a short time later.


On November 10, 1909, Hunke married Hildegard Lau (born September 19, 1879 in Schöneberg; † February 20, 1944 in Bad Hersfeld ). His wife was a daughter of the engineer Thies Peter Lau (1844-1933) and his wife Walewska Berta Anna, née Artelt (1856-1943).

The Hunke couple had three daughters.

  • The daughter Sigrid Hunke , married Schulze, (born April 26, 1913 in Kiel) worked as a cultural philosopher and writer in Bonn .
  • The daughter Waltraud Hunke worked from 1941 to 1944 as a research assistant at the German Department of the University of Strasbourg. From 1953 to 1978 she owned the Kiel university bookstore Walter G. Mühlau . Since no family member wanted to continue running the company, she converted the bookstore into a limited partnership and handed it over to the Lübeck owner of " Gustav Weiland Nachf. "


  • Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , pages 154-156.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 154.
  2. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 154.
  3. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , pages 154-155.
  4. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 155.
  5. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 155.
  6. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 155.
  7. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , pages 155-156.
  8. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 156.
  9. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 154.
  10. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 154.
  11. ^ Friedrich Schmidt-Sibeth: Hunke, Heinrich . in: Biographical Lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1982–2011. Vol. 9 - 1991. ISBN 3-529-02649-2 , page 156.