Heinrich veal

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Heinrich Kalbfleisch (born August 16, 1891 in Gelnhausen , Hesse , † December 18, 1948 in Dresden ) was a German physician with a focus on relational pathology, tuberculosis , allergy and immunity as well as forensic medicine problems. In 1947 he was a professor at the University of Rostock .


After graduating from high school in Hanau in 1911 , veal took a degree in medicine , which he completed in Munich (1911/12), Marburg (1912-1914) and Kiel (1914), although he had to interrupt it because he was drafted into military service . Veal, who had been a Russian prisoner of war for four years, continued his medical studies in Gießen from 1918 to 1920 . There he received in 1920 his license to practice medicine and was a scientific thesis "About the clotting of gallbladder contents by the duodenal and the enforceability of this method for the diagnosis of diseases of the biliary tract" to Dr. med. PhD .

As a result, Heinrich Kalbfleisch worked as an assistant at the Pathological Institute in Gießen from 1920/21 , and between 1922 and 1927 as an assistant at the Pathological Institute in Magdeburg and at the Düsseldorf University Hospital . This was followed by a position at the University of Graz from 1928 , as well as the habilitation there in 1931 . In 1934 veal became a prosector at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and was given an extraordinary professorship there .

In 1938, veal became a prosector at the Dresden-Johannstadt City Hospital , but already moved to the Dresden-Friedrichstadt City Hospital the following year , where he took over the management of the prosecution. In April 1947 he was appointed to the chair of pathology at the University of Rostock , and he followed this call, but returned to Dresden on September 1, 1947, probably for health reasons, after just one semester . During the veal absence, Paul Schied directed the prosecution of the Dresden-Friedrichstadt hospital.

Heinrich Kalbfleisch had to undergo a gastric resection in December 1947 because of an ulcer . The subsequent renal insufficiency as a result of advanced secondary amyloidosis in chronic pulmonary tuberculosis was ultimately responsible for the fact that the doctor died on December 18, 1948 at his last place of work in Dresden.


  • 1941–1948: Co-editor of the journal "Contributions to the Development of General Pathology"
  • 1946: Chairman of the Soviet-German commission to investigate the former prisoner of war camp Zeithain


  • Brief instruction for students on the dissection of human corpses. , Rostock 1947.
  • General relational pathology. (edited by Paul Schied), Dresden and Leipzig 1954.


  • Marina Lienert: Veal, Heinrich . In: Caris-Petra Heidel and Marina Lienert (eds.): The professors of the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus Dresden and its predecessor institutions 1814–2013 . Dresden 2014, ISBN 978-3-86780-376-2 , professors of the previous institutions, p. 42 .

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