Heinrich Wilhelm Ludwig Pauli

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Title page of a book by Pauli

Heinrich Wilhelm Ludwig Pauli (born July 18, 1779 in Leipzig ; † in Koblenz ) was a printer , later also a bookseller and publisher at the beginning of the 19th century in the city of Koblenz on the Middle Rhine. His parents were the married couple Johann Christian Pauli and Johanna Charlotte, geb. Lissel from Leipzig.


Heinrich Wilhelm Ludwig Pauli came to Koblenz in May 1804, took over the printing works of Adam Eugen Willibrord Lassaulx, which had existed since 1798, in 1807, and from then on operated as HWL Pauli . On October 17, 1807 he married Maria Elisabeth Thekla Katharina von Lassaulx, daughter of Franz Georg Joseph von Lassaulx (1781-1818), the former electoral councilor and justice of the peace during the French occupation . This made him a member of a large, respected, and influential family. His brother-in-law, the later famous and well-known Joseph Görres , was married to Katharina von Lassaulx from this dynasty. After the early death of his wife Maria, Pauli married Elisabeth von Woudenberg on February 9, 1810.

His company

By buying the printing company, however, he obviously did not become the majority shareholder, which can be concluded from the fact that he sold individual publishing products under Pauli and Comp. issued. Other co-owners of the company and their names and numbers are not yet known. After the end of the French occupation, HWL Pauli took over another printing company that had since gone bankrupt, that of the FG von Lassaulx. In addition to his original job as a printer, then also as a bookseller and publisher, he also worked as an editor , which brought him many differences with both the authorities and religious institutions. His reliability was questionable and sometimes he was also considered to be in breach of contract. Despite talk about his debts, Pauli was a daring entrepreneur who also published several newspapers. These goods:

  • 1814–1816 Rheinischer Merkur (publisher and editing: Joseph Görres , printed by Heinrich Wilhelm Ludwig Pauli, Koblenz, Rheinstrasse 28. From the end of 1815 by the Heriot printing works in Koblenz).
  • 1815–1823 Confluentia or Rhein- und Mosel-Zeitung ( a non-profit entertainment paper in War and Peace )
  • 1817–1819 Public Gazette (from 1820 printed and published by Hergt in Koblenz)
  • 1824–1826 Der Eilbote (follow-up sheet for the "Public Gazette")

However, some products from the publishing house and printing company HWL Pauli, Coblenz / Koblenz also have other company names such as Pauli and Comp., Coblenz, HWLJ Pauli, HL Pauli or just Pauli with the place of publication Coblenz or Koblenz. The Pauli company only existed for a few decades and was probably dissolved later.


  • Wilhelm Heinsius : General Books - Lexicon [from 1700], Volumes 1–19, Leipzig 1812–1894
  • Wilhelm Heinsius: General Books - Lexicon, Volume 1: 1700–1910, Volume 1–19 [published until 1894], Brockhaus, Leipzig 1812 ff. (Reprint: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, Graz / Austria 1962–1963)
  • Rudolf Schmidt: German booksellers - German book printers. Contributions to a company history of the German book industry . Berlin 1902 (reprint of the Berlin and Eberswalde edition 1802–1908: 6 volumes in one volume: Hildesheim, New York 1979)
  • Wilhelm Josef Becker: Overview of the history of the older Koblenz printing works, publishers, bookshops, the entire press and literary life (since 1700) . Part 1: Journal for local history of Coblenz and the surrounding area 1 (1920), Part 2: Journal for local history of the administrative district of Coblenz and the adjacent areas of Hessen-Nassau 2 (1921)
  • Max Bär: From the history of the city of Koblenz 1814–1914. Krabbensche Buchdruckerei , Koblenz 1922, pp. 349–351, 356.
  • Fritz Michel: The beginnings of Koblenz book and newspaper printing. In: Rheinische Heimatblätter. 2, 1925.
  • Karl Zimmermann: Johann Caspar Huber, the first bookseller privileged by the Elector of Trier. In: Koblenzer Heimatblatt. 2, Koblenz 1925, No. 4-6
  • Herbert Göpfert: Book and publishing in the 18th and 19th centuries: Contributions to communication in Central and Eastern Europe. Berlin 1977.
  • Gert Hagelweide: Literature for the German-language press. A bibliography. From the beginning until 1970 (= Dortmund contributions to newspaper research. 35). 20 volumes. KG Saur, Munich 1987 ff.
  • Severin Corsten (among others) (Hrsg.): Lexicon of the entire book system , 2. completely new edit. Edition. 'Volumes 1-8. Hiersemann, Stuttgart 1987-2009
  • Helmut Kampmann: Koblenz press chronicle. 80 newspapers from three centuries . Koblenz 1988, pp. 87, 95, 113, 251-252.
  • Reinhard Wittmann : History of the German book trade . Munich 1991
  • Ralf Reinhold: Overview of the historical development of the book trade in the Koblenz administrative district. In: Masterpieces. 2000 years of craftsmanship in the Middle Rhine. Volume 9: Books. Catalog for the exhibition of the Koblenz Chamber of Crafts and the Koblenz State Museum. Koblenz 1992.
  • Gert Hagelweide: Koblenz on the Rhine. In: Literature for the German-language press. A bibliography. From the beginning until 1970 (= Dortmund contributions to newspaper research. 35). Volume 6: German-speaking countries. Part 1: Germany. Local press history, printing, publishing and distribution locations. Munich et al. 1995, pp. 255-261.
  • Reinhard Wittmann: History of the German book trade. 2., through and exp. Edition. Beck Munich 1999.
  • Hilmar Tilgner: Reading societies on the Moselle and Middle Rhine in the age of enlightened absolutism. A contribution to the social history of the Enlightenment in the Electorate of Trier. Stuttgart 2001.
  • Gert Hagelweide: Literature for the German-language press. A bibliography: From the beginnings to 1970. Volume 11: Biographical literature: editors, journalists, publicists and publishers (full-time and part-time), illustrators, caricaturists, press photographers, print shop owners, leading specialists in newspaper technology, in advertising, reading circles and sales. Journalism and newspaper scholars, press lawyers . KG Saur, Munich 2001.
  • Historical Commission of the German Book Trade (Ed.): History of the German book trade in the 19th and 20th centuries. Volume 1: The Empire 1871–1918 . Frankfurt am Main 2003.
  • Reinhard Wittmann: History of the German book trade . Beck, Munich 2010.

Publishing products

  • Franz von Lassaulx: Handbook for guardians, or instruction on the tasks that guardians and curators have to provide according to the Napoleon Code. Pauli, Koblenz 1807.
  • Franz G. von Lassaulx: The legislation of Napoleon / presented. u. commented by F. Lassaulx . (Volumes 1–4 [1, 2, 3a and 3b]) Pauli, Koblenz o. J. [See also the publishing program of the Lassaulx'schen Druckerei in Koblenz]
  • F. Lassaulx: Code of Civil Procedure Procedure, translated and accompanied with explanatory notes . Pauli and Compagnie, Koblenz 1808.
  • Wilhelm Arnold Günther: Topographical history of the city of Coblenz - from its creation to the end of the 18th century. Printing and publishing house Pauli and Comp, Coblenz 1813.
  • Public gazette for the general ordinances appearing in the General-Gouvernement of the Middle Rhine, which have legal force . L. Pauli, Coblenz 1814. [1]
  • Wilhelm Arnold Günther: Topographical history of the city of Coblenz - from its creation to the end of the 18th century. Pauli Druck und Verlag, Coblenz 1815. [2]
  • Official gazette of the Rhine and Moselle departments - year 1815. L. Pauli, Koblenz 1815. [3]
  • The administrative district of Coblenz according to its location, limitation, size, population and division, including a double list of localities. Koblenz (administrative district). Pauli, Coblenz 1817. [4]
  • Beth- und Gesang-Buch der Sodality of the single class: under the title: The Immaculate Reception of the Divine Mother u. Virgin Mary in Coblenz . Pauli, Coblenz 1819.
  • The golden jubilee of the 50th jubilee of his Reverend Carl Albrecht: celebrated in Coblenz on August 15th, 1820. Pauli, Coblenz 1820.
  • Wilhelm Arnold Günther: The burgraviate Hammerstein and its burgraves: a contribution to the patriotic history of our Rhineland. Pauli, Coblenz 1821.
  • Jakob Foelix: Thoughts on the arrests that took place in Kreuznach on March 12 and 20, 1822. Pauli, Coblenz 1822. [5]
  • Wilhelm Arnold Günther: Codex diplomaticus Rheno - Mosellanus - documents - collection on the history of the Rhine and Moselle countries, the Nahe and Ahr regions, and the Hundsrückens, the Meinfeld and the Eifel. (Series: Coblenz 1822-1826. Part 1 - 5 .; Part 1: 1823, Part 2: 1824, Part 3.1: 1824, Part 3.2: 1825, Part 5: 1826). Pauli and Comp, Coblenz 1823.