Heinrich Tiefers

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Heinrich Tiefers (born August 4, 1873 in Krefeld , † December 11, 1935 ) was a German bank director and Royal Dutch Consul .


The now listed building of the former Braunschweig-Hannoversche Hypothekenbank at Landschaftstrasse 8 in Hanover, Heinrich Tiefers' place of work for more than 25 years

Little is known about Heinrich Tiefers' career. In 1908 he took over the management of the Braunschweig-Hannoversche Hypothekenbank in Hanover as director at the address at the time Landschaftstrasse 8. During the time of the German Empire , Tiefers, who also had knowledge of French and Dutch - according to a decision of the Netherlands of March 4, 1912 - appointed Dutch consul based in Hanover.

During the First World War , Heinrich Tiefers represented, according to a report by the Hannoversche Kurier dated April 1, 1933, who appeared on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Tiefer's service as director of the Braunschweig-Hannoversche Hypothekenbank, among other things, the interests of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as well as Greece . He was also a delegate of the Dutch Red Cross and the Dutch Ambulance for Germany. For example, before the autumn of 1918 he was awarded the Royal Prussian Cross of Merit for War Aid for his services in the First World War . But even in the early years of the Weimar Republic , and during large typhus - epidemic , gave Tiefers needy people in Hannover "[...] rich gifts".

Because of his advocacy of student aid , the Dutch consul and bank director was awarded the title of honorary academic citizen by the Technical University of Hanover on June 21, 1922 .

Also worked Heinrich Tiefers about 11 years as a commercial judge at the district court of Hanover . He was also Deputy Chairman of the Hanover Tourist Association and a member of the board of the Hanover Stock Exchange .

After a complaint by a certain "[...] Mr. Wederkind" against Tiefers because of "[...] the way he dealt with healthy food, etc.", the bank director was charged. After the seizure of power by the National Socialists of his term Hanoverian university rector informed the teaching body by letter of 16 April 1934, that investigation because of a letter of 6 April 1934, the judgment of the NSDAP -Gauleiters of Gaus Südhannover Brunswick , Bernhard Rust , the Made withdrawal of honorary citizenship necessary for Tiefers. However, previous research at the beginning of the 21st century has not yet been able to clarify whether and how the proceedings against Tiefers were continued.

However, Heinrich Tiefers was honored again - a few months before his death - by the Royal Dutch Resolution of August 17, 1935, he was awarded the title of Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Christian-Alexander Wäldner: Heinrich Tiefers - Bank Director, Royal Dutch Consul , in ders .: The Technical University of Hanover and the withdrawal of academic titles during the Nazi era: Results of Hanoverian processes under consideration the case of Walter Dux (= history , vol. 112), also a master's thesis 2012 at the University of Hanover, Berlin; Münster: Lit Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-643-11908-7 , p. 61f. u.ö .; Preview over google books
  2. Compare the information under the GND number of the German National Library
  3. ^ Klaus Mlynek : Rust, Bernhard. In: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (eds.) U. a .: City Lexicon Hanover . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 , p. 532.