Heinrich Zoller

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Heinrich Zoller (born January 27, 1923 in Basel ; † June 11, 2009 ibid) was a Swiss botanist and professor at the University of Basel .


From 1942 Zoller was a botany student at the University of Basel and at the geobotanical research institute Rübel (since 1958 ETH Zurich ). There he was assistant to Werner Lüdi between 1945 and 1954 . In 1954, Zoller received his doctorate from the University of Basel . This was followed by study visits to Finland and Göttingen , where in 1956 he discovered a herbarium by Albrecht von Haller in the attic of the geobotanical institute . In 1963, Zoller completed his habilitation in geobotany (especially for vegetation history) at the ETH Zurich. Between 1967 and 1989 he was full professor of botany at the University of Basel and thus Christian Körner's predecessor .

Heinrich Zoller's gravestone in the Hörnli cemetery

His grave is in the Hörnli cemetery in Bettingen BS.


In his around 200 publications, Zoller mainly dealt with plant geography and sociology , pollen analysis , archaeobotany and the history of botany . Zoller was a founding member of the Swiss Association for Bryology and Lichenology in 1956 and its president between 1970 and 1974.


Zoller had a deeply felt reverence for life . In addition to botany, he was also interested in philosophy and art and especially music . In his early years he had to choose between a career as a singer , studying theology and studying biology . He embodied in himself a 'university'. His awareness was based on the fact that there are limits to scientific knowledge, which is why he has always vehemently distanced himself from the one-sidedness of material reductionism . Heinrich Zoller published essays in which he expressed his philosophical-religious attitude towards nature . One of these essays is entitled Reverence for Life - Responsibility for Creation .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Christian Baertschi: Zoller, Heinrich. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. a b Andreas Erhardt: Obituary Professor Dr. Heinrich Zoller, 1923–2009. In: Bauhinia . 22/2010, accessed November 30, 2018 .