Helmut Danner

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Helmut Danner (born October 11, 1941 in Tarnowitz ) received his doctorate in philosophy on Heidegger and qualified as a professor in pedagogy on responsibility , both at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He is the author of numerous works.

Before teaching at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , the University of Trier and the University of Alberta for ten years , he worked in the private sector. He also worked for the Hanns Seidel Foundation for ten years in political adult education in Egypt and nine years in Kenya with Uganda . He has lived in Nairobi since 1996 .

Danner takes the position of a meaning-oriented pedagogy , which u. a. requires understanding learning, and an educational concept that makes sense of responsibility . Likewise, Danner demands an understanding, qualitative approach in development cooperation in contrast to the usual quantitative-measuring approach as well as a fundamental reorientation. His publications cover philosophical, ethical, pedagogical, epistemological and development policy topics, but also a work on the relationship between Africa and the West. His best-known work is an introduction to hermeneutics , phenomenology and dialectics ("Methods of Humanities Education"), his most recent publications are "Responsibility in Ethics and Education" and "The End of Arrogance. Africa and the West - Understanding Their Differences". Danner combines his areas of experience in investigations into interculturality , especially in relation to Africa, and in the formulation of an educational concept with an intercultural orientation.

Fonts (selection)

  • Helmut Danner: The divine and the god in Heidegger. Meisenheim am Glan (Verlag Anton Hain, ISBN 978-3-445-00851-0 ) 1971 (plus dissertation at the Philosophical Faculty I, University of Munich, 1970).
  • Helmut Danner: The educational relationship with Rousseau ; in: Paedagogica Historica, XVIII / 1. Ghent 1978; Pp. 84-118.
  • Helmut Danner: Methods of humanities education. Introduction to hermeneutics, phenomenology and dialectics. Munich (Ernst Reinhardt Verlag) 1979; 5th edition, 2006; UTB , ISBN 978-3-8252-0947-6 ; also in Japanese and Korean.
  • Helmut Danner / MJ Langeveld: Methodology and meaning orientation in pedagogy. Munich (Ernst Reinhardt Verlag) 1981, also in Japanese.
  • Helmut Danner: Responsibility and Pedagogy. Anthropological and ethical studies on a meaning-oriented pedagogy. Meisenheim am Glan (Anton Hain Verlag) 1983, 2nd edition 1985.
  • Helmut Danner / Wilfried Lippitz (eds.): Describe, understand, act. Phenomenological Research in Education. Munich (Röttger) 1984.
  • Helmut Danner u. a .: To educate people. Pestalozzi, Steiner, Buber. Frankfurt am Main (Diesterweg) 1985, 2nd edition 1991.
  • Helmut Danner: Hermeneutics in Educational Discourse: Foundations ; in: Ph. Higgs (ed.): Metatheories in Philosophy of Education. Johannesburg (Heinemann) 1996, pp. 221-244.
  • Helmut Danner (ed.): Hermeneutics and Educational Discourse. Johannesburg (Heinemann) 1997, ISBN 978-1-86853-170-7 .
  • Helmut Danner: The Hermeneutic Approach in Educational Practice and Theory ; in: Ph. Higgs (ed.): Metatheories in Educational Theory and Practice. Johannesburg (Heinemann) 1998; Pp. 175-200.
  • Helmut Danner: Responsibility in ethics and education. Oberhausen (Athena-Verlag) 2010, ISBN 978-3-89896-389-3 .
  • Helmut Danner: The end of arrogance. Africa and the West - Understanding Their Differences. Frankfurt am Main (Brandes & Apsel) 2012, ISBN 3-86099-924-9 .
  • Helmut Danner: End of Arrogance. Africa and the West - Understanding their Differences. Nairobi (East African Educational Publishers) 2012.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Private interview from May 13, 2014