Helmut Glaser (SS member)

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Helmut Glaser (born July 29, 1910 in Gmünd in Carinthia , † August 28, 1947 in Ljubljana ) was an Austrian SS-Sturmbannführer and convicted war criminal .


Helmut Glaser was the son of a civil school director. After attending elementary and secondary school in Klagenfurt , he studied German and Romance languages at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Vienna from 1928 and was awarded a doctorate in July 1934. phil. PhD . After two more semesters , he passed the secondary school teaching examinations for the main subjects German and French and then completed a probationary year at the Bundesrealschule Klagenfurt .

On May 8, 1931, he joined the NSDAP (membership number 30.170). In October 1936 he became a member of the Schutzstaffel (SS) (SS No. 44.132). In July 1938 he was given leave of absence to serve for the Security Service (SD). At the end of August 1939 Glaser was assigned to Einsatzkommando 4 of Einsatzgruppe I and took part in the raid on Poland . After the detachment of the command, he was assigned to the KdS office in Krakow , where he was later assigned to head Divisions III A and C. In March 1941 he returned to Klagenfurt. From May to September 1941 he headed Departments I and II in the resettlement staff at KdS Veldes , which had to prepare the resettlement of Slovenes from the Upper Carniola . He then returned to SD Klagenfurt, where he was Head of Section III C and Deputy Head. In April 1943 he became head of the Bayreuth SD section . In mid-December 1944 he was transferred to Bratislava ; there he led the zbV Command 29. He held this post until the command was dissolved shortly before the end of the war.

Shortly before the end of the war, he first left for Regensburg , and later went on foot with a teacher's civilian papers in the direction of Salzburg , which he reached on May 8, 1945. On June 14, 1945 he received a pass from the American military government and later moved to Krumpendorf . In September 1945 he was arrested and taken to the Ebental camp. In December 1946 he was extradited to Yugoslavia . On July 19, 1947, he was sentenced to death by shooting. The sentence was carried out on August 28, 1947.


  • Lenka Šindelářová: Finale of the Annihilation. Einsatzgruppe H in Slovakia in 1944/1945 . WBG, Darmstadt 2013, ISBN 978-3534259731

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lenka Šindelářová: Finale of the annihilation. Einsatzgruppe H in Slovakia in 1944/1945. Darmstadt 2013, p. 181.
  2. ^ French L. MacLean: The Field Men: the SS Officers Who Led the Einsatzkommandos - the Nazi Mobile Killing Units . Schiffer Publishing, 1999. ISBN 0-7643-0754-1 , p. 60.
  3. a b Lenka Šindelářová: Finale of the annihilation. Einsatzgruppe H in Slovakia in 1944/1945 . Darmstadt 2013, p. 182.
  4. a b Lenka Šindelářová: Finale of the annihilation. Einsatzgruppe H in Slovakia in 1944/1945 . Darmstadt 2013, p. 183.