Hendrik Bulthuis

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Hendrik Bulthuis, 1906

Hendrik Jan Bulthuis (born September 15, 1865 in Eemsmond -Warffum, † April 27, 1945 in Menterwolde- Noordbroek) was a Dutch Esperantist , customs officer (1889-1924), writer and translator.

Commitment to Esperanto

As a teenager, Bulthuis was a supporter of Volapük and received an official diploma as a Volapükle teacher in 1899. After the Frisian Dreves Uitterdijk had sent him an Esperanto textbook in 1901 , he immediately switched to Esperanto . Bulthuis maintained extensive Esperanto correspondence with people from many countries, extensively promoted Esperanto (especially in The Hague ), directed language courses and was secretary of the language examination committee until the 1930s. Since 1910 he was a member of Lingva Komitato , the most important Esperanto language commission (today Akademio de Esperanto ).


After his retirement in 1924, Bulthuis only worked for Esperanto - as a writer, translator and author of didactic material. He was one of the most dedicated advocates of Esperanto. Since 1907, after Du Biletoj (a translation of Les deux billets by Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian ) was published, he has published 35 books and brochures. Neniam estas pli bone ol malfrue , a comedy translated from English, was probably his first printed work, which appeared in 1905 as an appendix to the magazine "Lingvo Internacia". But Bulthuis became really known for the following three long original Esperanto works:

  • 1923 - Idoj de Orfeo , marks the outstanding narrative talent of a great stylist, although there are some unbelievable facts in the plot. This work remained his most popular and can also be found in William Aulds Baza legolisto (Directory of Must-Read Works).
  • 1926 - The naively simple work Jozef kaj la Edzino de Potifar follows .
  • 1928 - La Vila Mano , a fitting portrayal of Dutch country life, from which Bulthuis' fondness for inventions emerges.
  • 1938 - Inferio , visit of the unsuspecting in the so-called civilized world and their incomprehension because of the great crime rate.

His translations, which according to the judgment of the Encyclopedia Enciklopedio de Esperanto are to be classified as grandiose, were also important:

As a poet, Bulthuis only published La du Ŝipoj (1909), which was awarded in Barcelona .

For the theater he wrote the award-winning drama Onklo el Ameriko in 1908 and Malriĉa en Spirito in 1922 ; In 1910 he wrote an Esperanto version of Oscar Wilde's opera Salome based on a German translation .

Of his other works we should mention: the translations Taglibro de Vilaĝ-pedelo , 1921, and Josefa , 1922, both by the Danish author Steen Steensen Blicher ; 1928 Karaktero by Luiscius (from Dutch; translations in Finnish, Czech, Italian, Catalan, all of which are based on the Esperanto version).

His nine reading textbooks (leglernolibroj) - especially designed for Dutch young people - and the youth- friendly revision of Robinson Crusoe are exemplary. According to the Enciklopedio de Esperanto , Bulthuis was also working on a translation of Don Quixote as Spanish (which never appeared) and on another novel for young people.

Signature, 1927

An important reviewer of Bulthuis' works was the Russian Nikolai Wladimirowitsch Nekrasow , who wrote comments on his Esperanto original novels from 1929 to 1932 from a Marxist point of view (in the magazines "La Nova Epoko", 1929-1930, or "La Nova Etapo" ", 1932). Frank Reginald Banham judged in the Enciklopedio de Esperanto as follows: "La stilo-lingvaĵo de Bulthuis estas simpla, klasika, senornama. Oni malfacile trovus en ĝi provojn al impresionisma eksperimento. Li estas pli ĝuste nomata evakontouigo de cons ".


  1. ^ A translation into Dutch under the title De Taveerne van Piet Rabbel was published in 1977 by JN Voorhoeve, The Hague. The translator was DA Laansma in collaboration with Rico Bulthuis.
  2. About this translation can be read in the Enciklopedio de Esperanto : "sufiĉe bone transvivis malzorgan tradukadon por resti ankoraŭ tre interesa rakonto, danke al ĝia esenca valoro" (an imprecise translation, which is nevertheless easy to read as a narrative because of its general content is).
  3. "Bulthuis' style of language is simple, classic, unadorned. One can easily find impressionistic attempts in it. Let us better call him a maker of narratives than a conscious further developer of our language."


  • 1983: Ed Borsboom, HJ Bulthuis en retrospektivo. "Literatura Foiro", 1983 (77), pp. 5-9.
  • 1966: Reinhard Haupenthal , HJ Bulthuis (1865–1945). "Germana Esperanto-Revuo", 1/1966, p. 9.


Wikipedia article Hendrik Bulthuis in Esperanto.

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