Henri-Albert Gosse

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Henri-Albert Gosse

Henri-Albert Gosse (born May 28, 1753 in Geneva ; † February 1, 1816 there ) was a Swiss scientist and pharmacist .


He was the son of the bookseller Jean Gosse and Marie Tandon. He first studied natural sciences at the Académie de Genève and from 1779 to 1781 pharmacy in Paris at the Ecole royale de pharmacie . He then returned to his hometown, where he carried out various studies, among others on gastric juice , digestion and the occupational diseases of gilders and hatters .

In 1788 he married Louise Agasse and opened a pharmacy on Place Longemalle. Together with the watchmaker and silversmith Jacob Schweppe and the mechanic Nicolas Paul, he produced an artificially produced carbonated mineral water, which Schweppe marketed in London from 1790 under the name Schweppes . Together with Marc-Auguste Pictet , Charles Pictet de Rochemont and Henri Boissier, Gosse also tried to set up a porcelain factory based on the model of Wedgwood as a new branch of industry in Geneva from 1787 , but operations were discontinued in 1796 due to sales problems in the turmoil of the revolution .

In 1800 Gosse bought the hill above the village of Mornex , on the eastern flank of the Little Salèves . There he first built a country house and in 1812 a pavilion with Masonic symbols , which he named Temple de la Nature ( Temple of Nature ). This hill was later named Mont Gosse after him.

From 1789 he was a corresponding member of the Académie royale des sciences and from 1804 of the Institut de France . In 1791 he was a co-founder of the Geneva Société de physique et d'histoire naturelle and 1803 founder of the Geneva Société des naturaliste . He was the founder of the Swiss Natural Research Society ( renamed the Swiss Academy of Sciences in 1988 ); To this end, he invited prominent scientists from all over Switzerland to Geneva and on October 6, 1815 presided over the founding meeting of the Society in his Temple de la Nature pavilion above Mornex.


  • Paul Dorveaux: Les grands pharmaciens: 1, Gosse, de Genève . In: Bulletin de la Société d'histoire de la pharmacie . No. 14, 1916, pp. 221-228.
  • Fritz Emile Ducommun: Henri Albert Gosse et Jacob Schweppe . In: Journal suisse de pharmacie. Vol. 115, No. 20, 1977, pp. 532-534.
  • Hector Maillart-Gosse: La fondation de la Société helvétique des Sciences naturelles en 1815, Correspondances de Henri-Albert Gosse et de Samuel Wyttenbach, 1809–1815 . Albert Kundig, Geneva 1915.
  • Danielle Plan: Un genevois d'autrefois, Henri-Albert Gosse (1753–1816) . In: Bulletin de l'Institut national genevois . Vol. 39, 1909.
  • René Sigrist and Didier Grange: La faïencerie des Pâquis: histoire d'une expérience industrial: 1786–1796 . Editions Passé présent, Geneva 1995, ISBN 2940014094 .
  • Emile Yung: La fondation de la société helvétique des sciences naturelles et Henri-Albert Gosse . In: 1814–1914, Genève – Suisse, Le livre du centenaire . Jullien, Genève 1914, pp. 77-89.

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