Herbert Kundler

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Herbert Kundler (born November 5, 1926 in Düsseldorf ; † October 19, 2004 in Berlin ) was managing director and long-time program director of RIAS Berlin and professor at the Free University of Berlin .


Herbert Kundler was born in Düsseldorf as the son of the lawyer Wilhelm Kundler and his wife Elly, née Frankenberg. The family lived in Berlin from 1932. Before the end of the war , Herbert Kundler hid in Berlin so as not to be arrested and sent to a camp because of his Jewish origins .

From 1947 Herbert Kundler studied law in Berlin, Heidelberg and Harvard. Herbert Kundler began his journalistic activity as a freelance editor and reporter in the studio of the state capital of the Hessischer Rundfunk . After a traineeship at Time Magazine in New York and Washington, he came to RIAS Berlin in 1951 through his school friend Gerhard Löwenthal after completing his studies at Harvard . For more than 30 years he was one of the most imaginative program managers in German broadcasting. As artistic director and program director of RIAS Berlin from 1961 to 1992, he shaped, developed and innovatively designed the radio landscape in Berlin more than anyone else. During this time he is a member of the ARD commission for new developments, the media research commission for advanced training of program staff at ARD and ZDF, and the commission for investments and rationalization.

Kundler has been an honorary professor in the communication sciences department at Freie Universität since 1979 and was able to introduce hundreds of students to media events first hand. Due to his outstanding commitment in the field of serious music , Kundler was made an honorary member of the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra . In addition to his scientific and literary interests, Kundler has also made a name for himself as chief producer through more than twenty television co-productions with NDR and ZDF and through numerous major events.

Kundler has written numerous radio series, documentaries and film scripts , which are still well-known and highly regarded documents of their time. This includes his documentary Berlin, Insel der Hoffnung, written in 1953 on behalf of Ernst Reuters , and the screenplay for the famous film Wir Kellerkinder, written together with cabaret artist Wolfgang Neuss . His script Sternstunden - Oops we live as part of Berlin's 750th anniversary celebrations received international attention . This revue was broadcast live by ZDF under the Victory Column . In addition to his numerous awards, 1987 included the Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Great Cross of Merit awarded by the Federal President in 1992 for outstanding achievements in the broadcasting and media landscape.

Herbert Kundler's grave in the Zehlendorf cemetery

Herbert Kundler died of cancer on October 19, 2004, two weeks before his 78th birthday. His grave is in the Zehlendorf cemetery . (Field 017-548)


  • RIAS Berlin. A radio station in a divided city. 2nd edition Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 2002, ISBN 3-496-02536-0
  • Shadow in Emil Dovifat's picture . in: Emil Dovifat / Bernd Sösemann / Gudrun Stöber (eds.): Emil Dovifat. Studies and documents on life and work. de Gruyter Berlin a. a. 1998 p. 289 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Bernd Matthies: Herbert Kundler . In: Der Tagesspiegel , November 12, 2004.
  2. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 676.

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