Herman von Vechelde (politician, around 1350)

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The coat of arms of today's municipality of Vechelde probably goes back to the coat of arms of Herman von Vechelde.

Herman of Vechelde (to * 1350 probably in Braunschweig ; † 28. June 1420 ) was a German long-distance traders and Big mayor of the precincts of the old town in Brunswick.


Vechelde was born around 1350 as the son of the long-distance trader Bernart von Vechelde (1325–1367) and his wife Metteke (née von Osterode), who came from the village of Vechelde and has been based in Braunschweig since 1345. He invested a large fortune in house interest, land and tithe . This is considered to be the basis for the later “Vechldian fortune”. His name was first mentioned in 1371. In 1380 he was accepted into the city council, where he quickly rose to higher offices. In 1382 he was appointed treasurer of the old town, the following year he was appointed minor mayor and, after another three years, in 1386 he was appointed one of the three major mayors. He held this office until his death in 1420.

On April 23, 1384, Herman van Vechelde was one of the founding members of the Braunschweig Brotherhood of Arms of the " Lilienvente ". On May 28, 1388, after the victorious battle of Winsen an der Aller, he was knighted on the battlefield .

During his time as mayor, he acted as an intermediary between the old families and the merchants of the craft guild. During these years the layer of 1374 was overcome and the conflict with the Hanseatic League was resolved . The introduction of a new council constitution in 1386, the reorganization of the city administration, the revision of the city law as well as the modernization of the financial administration also fell within the period of office of Vecheldes. As a result, the influence of the Guelph city lords on Braunschweig could be pushed back and the city's autonomy strengthened. In addition, Braunschweig received the papal privilege de non evocando and the judicial office .

Von Vechelde is considered a possible author of the Secret Account . He was married to Ilse Kerkhof, one of his sons was also called Herman (n) . Emperor Sigismund gave the sons of Vecheldes and his cousins ​​a letter of arms on August 2, 1437 . Many of his descendants held high municipal offices in the Braunschweig Council and in the Guild of Dressmakers . Among these were nine councilors until the 17th century. His son Hermann became a kitchen treasurer, his grandson Albert was from 1481 to 1501 and another descendant named Hermann was mayor of the city from 1542 to 1559.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b Wolfgang Spielhagen : Family table of the v. Vechelde. In: Ziering-Moritz-Alemann family association. Print booklet 4. Berlin 1940, OCLC 648132749 pp. 38-40, ( zma.de PDF).
  2. a b Horst-Rüdiger Jarck , Dieter Lent et al. (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon - 8th to 18th century . Appelhans Verlag, Braunschweig 2006, ISBN 3-937664-46-7 , p. 341-342 .
  3. ^ After Josef Dolle (Ed.): Document book of the city of Braunschweig. Volume 7: 1375-1387. No. 753, are named in the certificate: “… jungge Holtnicker, Cord van Brostidde, Ecgheling and Hilmar van Strobeke, Fricke van deme Damme, Hans van Evensen, Cord and Hans, syne sone, Herman van Vechtelde, Achacius Grube, Ludeke van dem Haghene, Hermen Plate, Brand Ruotze, Henning van Adenstidde, Hans Kale , Hinrik Kerchoff de eldere, Bertram van dem Damme, Hans van Ghustidde, Ghereke and Hans Pawel, Herman and Cord Ursleve, Eylard van der Heyde and syne broedere, Brand van Hoene, Meynardus, Tyle van Kalve, Ludeman Kale and Bernd van Remmelinge, Tyle van Odenem, Ludeleff van Ingheleve, Eggeling van Schanleghe, Tyle van Peyne, Hans de rode, Gherlach van dem Brovke, Henning Repeners, Herman Ghereken, Henning Horneborch, Hans Weddeghen, Herwich Kale, Thyle Hamborch, Eggheling Wacgen, Cord Stapel, Hinrik Ruoscher and Herman van Ghust (idde), Hans Grotejan, Hans Stapel, Ludeleff Rebeen, Cord van Kyssenbrucghe, Hinrik and Ludeleff van Enghelmestidde, Fricke Twedorp, Ludeke Witte and Hinrik Gherwens, Luder and Henning Schiltreme, Roleff van Schepenstidde, Bertram van Bornem, Cord van Bansleve, Bertold Smeed and Bertold van Dengkte.… "( Tu-braunschweig.de )
  4. Thomas Scharff: Herman von Vechelde. In: Henning Steinführer, Claudia Böhler (Hrsg.): The Braunschweiger Mayors. From the establishment of the office in the late Middle Ages to the 20th century. P. 41.
  5. Andrea Boockmann: DI 35, No. 92 †, City of Braunschweig I - Hermann (II.) Von Vechelde . urn : nbn: de: 0238-di035g005k0009208 ( inschriften.net ).
  6. ^ Paul ZimmermannVechelde, Friedrich Karl von . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 39, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1895, pp. 789-791.
  7. Werner Spieß: History of the city of Braunschweig in the post-Middle Ages . From the end of the Middle Ages to the end of urban freedom 1491–1671. 2nd half band. Waisenhaus-Buchdruckerei und Verlag, Braunschweig 1966, OCLC 7495150 , pp. 473-474.
  8. 1. The great mayors of Braunschweig's old town from 1386 to 1671 In: Henning Steinführer, Claudia Böhler, Braunschweigische Landschaft eV (Ed.): The Braunschweig mayors from the establishment of the office in the late Middle Ages to the 20th century. Appelhans Verlag, Braunschweig 2013, ISBN 978-3-941737-68-6 ( d-nb.info PDF).