Hermann III. (To bathe)

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Margrave Hermann III. von Baden , called the Great, (* around 1105, † January 16, 1160 ) was Margrave of Verona and Baden .

Hermann III. is the son of Hermann II von Baden and Judith von Backnang . He was regent of the margraviate of Baden from 1130 to 1160.

Hermann III. was loyal to the Hohenstaufen and thus came into conflict with his relatives, the Zähringer - Swabians . In 1140 he was involved in the siege of the castle Weibertreu and received the Reichsvogtei Selz in Alsace .

In 1151 the margraviate of Verona , which had been under the administration of the Carinthian dukes since 976, the creation of the Duchy of Carinthia , was given by King Conrad III. to the Margrave Hermann III. awarded. There is a deed of donation from 1153 in which King Friedrich I of Staufer gave the Besigheim court to Margrave Hermann III. sold by Baden, this is the first documented mention of Besigheim .

In 1154 he fought in Lombardy and accompanied the emperor in the war against Milan . Hermann III. was a participant in the Second Crusade and was involved in the first Italian campaigns of Frederick I Barbarossa .


Margrave Hermann married the noble Bertha before 1134 , whose exact origin is unclear and who is often ascribed to the Hohenstaufen family . It is possible that after 1141 he entered into a second marriage with Maria of Bohemia , the daughter of Duke Soběslav I.


  • Hermann († September 13, 1190); later ruling margrave

Hermann III. was buried in the Augustinian monastery in Backnang .

See also:

Individual proof

  1. On participation in the crusade, see Wilhelm von Tire , Historia Rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum Liber XVII, §1, ed. in: Recueil des historiens des croisades (1844), Historiens occidentaux I, p. 758


  • Johann Christian Sachs : Introduction to the history of the Marggravschaft and the Marggravial old princely house of Baden . First part. Lotter, Carlsruhe 1764, p. 290–310 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Regest of the Margraves of Baden and Hachberg 1050 - 1515 , published by the Baden Historical Commission, edited by Richard Fester , first volume, Innsbruck 1900, pp. 7–11 online in the internet archive

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Hermann II. Margrave of Baden
Hermann IV.
Heinrich V of Carinthia Margrave of Verona
Hermann IV.