Hermann Kleinau

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Hermann Kleinau (born July 14, 1902 in Stadtoldendorf ; † January 18, 1978 in Braunschweig ) was a German lawyer , historian , archivist and from 1938 until his retirement in 1967 head of the Wolfenbüttel State Archives .

life and work

Kleinau was the son of the Brunswick city school director Ernst Kleinau. He first attended the elementary school in Schöppenstedt and then the Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Braunschweig . After graduating from high school, he studied law at the Universities of Marburg and Leipzig from 1921 to 1925 . His dissertation was published in 1929 under the title "The basic interest rate in the city of Braunschweig until 1350". From 1929 to 1930 Kleinau studied in Göttingen and Berlin and in 1931 passed the final exam of the first year at the Prussian Institute for Archival Studies in Berlin-Dahlem . He then worked in the Prussian State Archives in Königsberg until 1936 . This was followed by a position as archivist at the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam .

Head of the Wolfenbüttel State Archives

In 1938 Kleinau became director and in 1939 director of the State Archives in Wolfenbüttel. After the end of the war, together with his colleagues, he succeeded in adapting the state archive, which had been moved to new premises, to the modern needs of the post-war period, making it an authority and research facility. From the first day of the Second World War , Kleinau was in the Wehrmacht until the end of the war , most recently as captain at the Battle of Breslau in January 1945, after which he was taken prisoner by the Soviets , from which he did not return to Wolfenbüttel until 1949. In 1967 Kleinau went into retirement.


Since 1939 Kleinau was chairman of the Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein , but had to abandon his position and his work there due to his participation in the Second World War. In the same year he was elected member of the historical commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen . In 1965 he was accepted into the Braunschweig Scientific Society .

His successor in the position of head of the Wolfenbüttel State Archives was Joseph König .

Fonts (selection)

  • The land rate in the city of Braunschweig until 1350 , Th. Weicher, Leipzig 1929 (dissertation)
  • History of the Lower Saxony State Archives in Wolfenbüttel , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1953
  • Overview of the holdings of the Lower Saxony State Archives in Wolfenbüttel , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1963
  • Historical local directory of the state of Braunschweig A – K , In: Publications of the historical commission for Lower Saxony (Bremen and the former states of Hanover, Oldenburg, Braunschweig and Schaumburg-Lippe) XXX, Historical local directory of Lower Saxony , 2, state of Braunschweig , August Lax publishing house, Hildesheim 1967
  • Historical local directory of the state of Braunschweig L – Z , In: Publications of the historical commission for Lower Saxony (Bremen and the former states of Hanover, Oldenburg, Braunschweig and Schaumburg-Lippe) , XXX, Historical local directory of Lower Saxony , 2, state of Braunschweig August Lax publishing house, Hildesheim 1968
  • The von Werle in the Braunschweig, North Harz, Halberstadt area. A contribution to the history of the Guelph service team and to research into the Palatinate. , Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein, Braunschweig 1971


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Jarck: Kleinau, Hermann , In: Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon . 19th and 20th centuries., P. 319