Hermann Kochanek

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Hermann Kochanek (born July 7, 1946 in Werl ; † December 24, 2002 in Cologne ) was a Steyler missionary and professor of pastoral theology at the Chur Theological University and the Sankt Augustin University of Philosophy .


Hermann Kochanek joined the Steyler missionaries in 1967 and studied philosophy and theology at the order's own university in Sankt Augustin from 1969 to 1975 and education and German studies at the University of Bonn from 1974 to 1976 . After working in adult education, he received his doctorate in 1990 from the theological faculty of the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster under Dieter Emeis . The topic of his dissertation was: "On the theology of a missionary community".

In 1992 Kochanek began teaching as a lecturer at the Sankt Augustin University, and since 1996 as a full professor. In 1999 and 2000 he lectured as a visiting professor at the Regional Seminar of Shanghai in China . In 2001 he was appointed professor for pastoral theology at the Theological University in Chur, where he was entrusted with setting up a pastoral institute, although he did not see it opened at the beginning of 2003.

In addition to his work as a university lecturer, Hermann Kochanek also directed the “Arnold-Janssen-Haus” educational facility of the Steyler missionaries in Sankt Augustin from 1987 to 2001 and published the educational house's lecture series in book form.

As a pastoral theologian, Kochanek mainly dealt with questions of the sociology of religion and spirituality . It was his primary concern to develop a concept of pastoral care in the adventure society .

Works (selection)

  • Image of man and image of God in the Bible, (together with Günter Biemer and Roland Peter Litzenburger ), Kath.Bibelwerk 1981
  • Changing lanes, Knecht-Verlag 2002
  • I have my own religion. Search for meaning beyond the churches, Benziger Verlag 2002


  • Paul B. Steffen: KOCHANEK Hermann SVD (1946-2002). Pastoraltheologe , Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL) Vol. 34 (2013) Sp. 687-692, ISBN 978-3-88309-766-4 .