Hermann Meyer (publisher)

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Herrmann August Heinrich Meyer (born January 11, 1871 in Hildburghausen , † March 17, 1932 in Leipzig ) was a German publisher, geographer and explorer.


Hermann Meyer was born the son of the publisher Herrmann Julius Meyer . He attended the humanistic Thomas School in Leipzig . After graduating from high school, he studied anthropology and ethnology at the Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität Strasbourg , the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin and the University of Jena . In Strasbourg he became a member of the Corps Palatia in 1891 . He was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD.

After graduating, he traveled to the United States. In the years 1895 and 1898 he was with the doctor Karl Ernst Ranke and another colleague on expeditions, like Karl von den Steinen before, in Brazil on the Rio Xingu with the Xingu Indians . They did research on anthropology and botany. He later became an assistant at the Museum of Ethnology in Leipzig . In 1898 he settled Germans in Rio Grande do Sul . He founded the colony of Neu-Württemberg (since 1945 Panambi with 38,000 inhabitants). During the First World War he was Consul of Brazil in Leipzig. In 1931 he was awarded the German Ring of the German Foreign Institute for his services .

In 1903 Hermann Meyer became a partner in the Bibliographical Institute in Leipzig and worked with his brother Hans Meyer , also a research traveler. It appeared, among other things, Meyer's Konversations-Lexikon . When the publishing house was converted into a stock corporation in 1915 , Hermann Meyer became a member of the board.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 33 , 87