Hermann Schilli

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Hermann Schilli (born January 1, 1896 in Offenburg , † August 28, 1981 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a carpenter , farmhouse researcher, founder and museum director of the Black Forest open-air museum Vogtsbauernhof .


After completing secondary school, he passed the examination for teaching at trade schools at the Karlsruhe State Technical Center . In 1931 he was commissioned to found the carpenter's school in Freiburg , which he headed until his retirement in 1962. He was appointed professor and after finishing his teaching he took over the voluntary preservation of monuments for the administrative region of South Baden. With schoolchildren and students he went on excursions throughout the Black Forest, but primarily in the southern and central areas, in order to measure and record the old Black Forest farms. He was also supported by his wife.

Vogtsbauernhof Wolfach

It is thanks to Schilli that the former district of Wolfach bought the Vogtsbauernhof, restored it from 1963 and opened it to the public a year later. He was museum director for almost 20 years and was able to celebrate the topping-out ceremony of the Schauinslandhaus on June 29, 1981 . He had been teaching at the University of Freiburg since 1969. Hermann Schilli immediately broke with the beloved idea that house shapes from prehistoric times have been preserved in the Black Forest. He only started the so-called "Heidenhäuser" ( Hotzenhaus ) with the large clearing of the Hotzenwald, which began around the year 1000.

In 1967 he received the Upper Rhine Culture Prize .

Fonts (selection)

  • The Black Forest House (monograph)
  • The half-timbered house in Baden (illustrated book)


  • Rudolf Metz: Hermann Schilli In: Baden-Württembergische Biographien Vol. 1, pp. 320–322 ( digitized version ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the Friedrich Weinbrenner trade school
  2. Article by Hubert Röderer, Vogtsbauernhof: A good piece of the Black Forest in the Badische Zeitung from May 18, 2011, online
  3. ^ Lutz Röhrich : Preface to the third edition In: Das Schwarzwaldhaus , 1977, ISBN 3-17-004388-9 , p. 6.
  4. ^ Friedrich Metz : Preface to the third edition In: Das Schwarzwaldhaus , 1977, ISBN 3-17-004388-9 , p. 2.
  5. Photo of the award ceremony online on LEO BW