Hermann Vortmann

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Hermann Vortmann (born March 12, 1945 in Recklinghausen ) is a German teacher , retired school councilor , blogger and pedagogue with a focus on school pedagogy as well as mathematics and its didactics .

Hermann Vortmann 2010


Vortmann attended elementary school and state advanced high school (Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule) in Recklinghausen. In 1964 he obtained the general university entrance qualification. After studying at the College of Education Münster I he put the First and the Second State Examination as a primary school teacher , and then worked as a teacher at various types of schools, first at the two-class rural school in Beerlage -Temming, then at the Pankratius School and then at the community secondary school in Gescher . From 1971 he also took on tasks in the training and examination of teachers in the Recklinghausen and Coesfeld district seminars as well as in the examination offices for the first and second state examinations for teaching positions at schools in Münster . In 1974 he was appointed deputy head of the district seminar in Coesfeld and thus switched full-time to teacher training .

After further studies (part-time from 1975 to 1980) at the Pedagogical University of Westphalia-Lippe (mathematics and its didactics, pedagogy and psychology), Hermann Vortmann received a doctorate from Peter Sorger in 1980 with a thesis on the training and examination of mathematics teachers. paed. PhD.


In 1981 Vortmann took over the management of the Ludgerus School, a Catholic secondary school in Rhede, and in 1982 the management of the Don Bosco School, a community secondary school in Gescher .

For a large part of his professional life he was active in both state and church school inspectors. In 1990 he was appointed school councilor for the Warendorf district , and in 1994 he was appointed school authority director. In 1995 he moved to the education authority for the Borken district in this role . In 2002, the Ministry of Education in North Rhine-Westphalia sent him to a working group of the Conference of Ministers of Education , which developed the mathematics educational standards for the qualifications of lower secondary level . He was also given the task of leading a working group for the development of the secondary school in North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2004 he was elected head of school for the Association of Roman Catholic Churches in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg , a corporation under public law , and in this function was appointed senior school councilor. In 2007, following a corresponding amendment to the statutes, he also took on the role of managing director of the Catholic School Association in Hamburg . On March 31, 2010, Vortmann retired.

At the University of Münster , Hermann Vortmann worked as a lecturer in the field of school pedagogy and general didactics from 2000 to 2007 and at the Catholic University of Social Sciences in Berlin in the field of education and training from 2010 to 2012 .

As a blogger , he accompanies school policy at state and local level.


  • with Günter Hillebrand: Mathematics for elementary and secondary schools in teaching examples . Ratingen 1973
  • with Hermann Schmid: The exercise in mathematics lessons in elementary and secondary schools . Ratingen 1975
  • Basics and practice of psychomotor learning objectives in mathematics lessons . Kastellaun 1977
  • Expertise in mathematics teacher training for elementary and secondary schools in North Rhine-Westphalia . Münster 1980 (= dissertation)
  • with Hermann Schmid: Exercises in mathematics lessons in elementary school. About the didactics of practice and over 100 exercises with and without material. Heinsberg 1995
  • Secondary level I. A varied school level for unique students. Heinsberg 1997
  • with Joachim Schulze-Bergmann (Ed.): Practice of all-day care in schools . Merching 2003 ff (loose-leaf collection)
  • with Erika Werlen (Ed.): The new educational standards for elementary school and lower secondary level . Merching 2004 ff (loose-leaf collection)
  • with Dennis Röhrs: How do you go online? Schools on the Net e. V. - a look at the beginnings and into the future . In: Meendermann, Karin / Meyer, Heinz / Muszynski, Bernhard (eds.): New media in political education . Munster 2004
  • School life. Münster 2017
  • Confessional Schools in Secularized Society: The Example of the Catholic Schools in Hamburg. In: Pädagogische Rundschau 5/2019, pp. 503-523

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