Hertha (ship, 1864)

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Hertha p1
Ship data
flag German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire
Ship type Paddle steamer
Shipyard Möller & Holberg, Grabowo
Build number 18th
Launch 1864
Ship dimensions and crew
32.5 m ( Lüa )
width 7.8 m
measurement 68 GRT
crew 6 men
Machine system
machine 1 2-cylinder steam engine
100 hp (74 kW)
Rigging and rigging
Rigging More beautiful
Transport capacities
Permitted number of passengers 110

The Hertha was a German side paddle steamer for passenger and freight traffic. She was the first liner steamship between Rügen and Hiddensee and between Stralsund and Hiddensee.


The Hertha , completed in 1864 at the Möller & Holberg shipyard in Grabow near Stettin , was built on behalf of the correspondent shipper Kommerzienrat Heinrich Israel from Stralsund. In 1865, Hertha opened passenger and freight traffic on the line from Stralsund via Schaprode , Wittower ferry and Breege to Polchow . From Stralsund and Breege on Rügen, she was the first line steamer to call at the island of Hiddensee. Hiddensee travelers had to be disembarked and embarked on the ferry island .

The ship went together with the company in 1877 after the death of Heinrich Israel to the Stralsund councilor and businessman Leopold von Seeckt, then in 1887 to the captain Albert Klickow from Breege. Hertha stayed in service between Stralsund, Hiddensee and Rügen until the demolition in 1893.


The Hertha was an iron side-wheel steamer with schooner rigging and built as a barge . The twin steam engine with an output of 100 hp drove two side gears.

About 110 passengers could be accommodated. The Hertha had six man crew.


  • Claus Rothe: German seaside ships. 1830 to 1939. In: Library of Ship Types. transpress publishing house for traffic, Berlin 1989, p. 31, ISBN 3-344-00393-3 .