Hervé Gaschignard

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Hervé Gaschigniard, 2012 in Rennes
coat of arms

Hervé Gaschignard (born June 14, 1959 in Saint-Nazaire ) is a French clergyman and emeritus Roman Catholic bishop of Aire and Dax .


Hervé Gaschignard studied dogmatic theology and was ordained a priest on July 1, 1989 . From 1995 to 2006 he worked in the Nantes seminary , among other things as professor of dogmatic theology and rector.

Pope Benedict XVI appointed him on October 30, 2007 auxiliary bishop in Toulouse and titular bishop of Bisuldino . The Archbishop of Toulouse, Robert Le Gall OSB , donated him episcopal ordination on January 6 of the next year ; Co- consecrators were Émile Marcus PSS , Old Archbishop of Toulouse, and Georges Pierre Soubrier PSS, Bishop of Nantes . As a motto he chose Venez, adorons-le .

He was named Bishop of Aire and Dax on January 24, 2012, and was introduced to the office on March 11 of the same year.

Pope Francis accepted his resignation on April 6, 2017. The reason for this was the accusation of some responsible persons that Bishop Gaschignard had behaved inappropriately towards young people. An investigation by the public prosecutor's office in June 2017 confirmed the allegations against him, but these are not criminally relevant.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Céline Hoyeau, Nicolas Senèze: Le Vatican vient d'accepter la démission de Mgr Hervé Gaschignard, évêque de Dax. In: la-croix.com. April 6, 2017, accessed June 5, 2017 (French).
  2. Olivier Bonnefon: Soupçons sur l'ancien évêque d'Aire et Dax: l'enquête classée sans Suite. In: sudouest.fr. June 27, 2017, accessed November 12, 2017 (French).
predecessor Office successor
Philippe Breton Bishop of Aire and Dax
Nicolas Souchu