Hoàng Quốc Việt

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Hoàng Quốc Việt (birth name: Hạ Bá Cang; born May 28, 1905 in Võ Giàng, Bắc Ninh Province , French Indochina ; † December 25, 1992 in Hanoi ) was a Vietnamese politician of the Communist Party of Vietnam (Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam) .


Hoàng Quốc Việt attended vocational school and, together with Nguyễn Đức Cảnh and Ngô Gia Tự, took part in protests against the French colonial administration in 1925 . He then worked in various factories in the province of Thái Nguyên , Quảng Yên and in Hải Phòng . In 1928 he joined the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League (Hội Việt Nam Cách mạng Thanh niên), founded by Hồ Chí Minh in 1925, and after his dismissal as a factory worker in 1929, he became secretary of the youth league. In 1930 he went to Cochinchina and became a member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the Communist Party of Indochina, founded on February 3, 1930 . Because of his political activities he was arrested by the colonial administration and was imprisoned in 1936 together with Nguyễn Văn Cừ , Lê Duẩn and Phạm Văn Đồng . After his release from prison, he became secretary of the party committee in North Vietnam in 1937 , before he went to the provinces of Bắc Ninh and Bắc Giang in 1938 after being expelled from Hanoi . In 1941 he was one of the participants in the 8th plenary session of the Central Committee, led by Hồ Chí Minh, and was elected to the Central Executive Committee there. In 1945 he was one of the organizers of the August Revolution in South Vietnam .

At the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam he became a member of the Politburo on February 19, 1951 and was a member of it until October 1955. The reason for his dismissal was his joint responsibility for the land reform of 1954 , which led to the distribution of land to two million poor farmers, but also to tens to hundreds of thousands of deaths and was one reason for the exodus of a million people to South Vietnam.

In 1960 he succeeded Bùi Lâm as chairman of the Supreme Ombudsman Board (Viện kiểm sát nhân dân tối cao) and remained in this position until he was replaced by Trần Hữu Dực in 1976. In 1975 he became a member of the National Assembly (Quốc hội Việt Nam) , the he belonged from the fifth to the end of the eighth legislative term in 1992. At the 4th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, he was re-elected to the Central Committee on December 0, 1976. In 1977 he then became the first chairman of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front VVF (Mặt Trận Tổ Quốc Việt Nam) , the umbrella organization of the government- loyal mass movement of the bloc party system in Vietnam with close ties to the Communist Party and the government. He held this post until 1983, after which Huỳnh Tấn Phát was his successor. After his death he was buried in the Mai Dịch cemetery in Hanoi.

He was married to Khuất Thị Bảy, whose brother Khuất Duy Tiến was also a party official.

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