Aichstrut flood retention basin

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Aichstrut reservoir
Aichstrut reservoir.  View from the east of the lake and dam.
Aichstrut reservoir. View from the east of the lake and dam.
Tributaries: Flax
Drain: Flax
Larger places nearby: Welzheim
Aichstruter reservoir (Baden-Württemberg)
Aichstrut reservoir
Coordinates 48 ° 54 '10 "  N , 9 ° 38' 25"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 54 '10 "  N , 9 ° 38' 25"  E
Data on the structure
Height of the barrier structure : 11 m
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 20.5 ha
Storage space 715 000  m³
Catchment area 5.8 km²

The flood retention basin Aichstrut (also Aichstruter reservoir ) is a 4 hectare reservoir in Baden-Württemberg ( Germany ), approx. 3 km north of Welzheim . It is located in the middle of the Swabian-Franconian Forest Nature Park and is located in the district of Welzheim in the Rems-Murr district at 498  m above sea level. NN . The lake was created in 1959 as a flood retention basin by the water association Kocher-Lein, which was founded in 1957 as a result of recurring floods along the Lein . The Aichstrut reservoir is one of eleven storage and retention basins that the association still operates today. The reservoir has a catchment area of ​​5.8 km² and a permanent storage area of ​​approx. 4 ha. Due to the 11 m high dam , a maximum storage area of ​​20.5 ha can be achieved, which corresponds to a total storage volume of 715,000 m³.


The lake is sheltered from the wind in the valley. There are marked swimmer and non-swimmer areas on the lake, which are monitored by the DLRG on weekends . Around the lake you will find barbecue areas and spacious sunbathing lawns, which surround three quarters of the bathing lake. There is also a camping and tent site with sanitary facilities and a snack, as well as a restaurant. The Aichstrut reservoir is designated as a swimming area and is a popular excursion destination in the summer months; in winter the lake freezes over quickly and is used for ice skating.

Individual evidence

  1. Information from the water association Kocher-Lein, accessed on March 8, 2012 .
  2. Flood protection, landscape management, local recreation. Ed. Wasserverband Kocher-Lein, 2nd edition. 1979.

Geographical information according to official topographic maps 1: 25,000 and 1: 50,000.

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