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Hookeria lucens

Hookeria lucens

Empire : Plants (Plantae)
Department : Moss (Bryophyta)
Subdivision : Bryophytina
Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hookeriales
Scientific name
M. meat.

The Hookeriales are an order of mosses named after the English botanist William Jackson Hooker . It mainly contains tropical mosses, which often form large, flat moss covers. Most species grow in shady, moist places, including on the leaves of higher plants.


The foliage of the stems is mostly flattened. The leaves are often asymmetrical. The leaf vein can be absent, single, or divided and double. The cells of the leaves of the Hookeriales often form a very loose cell network. The lamina cells are also six-sided to elongated (prosenchymatic).

The sporogons stand sideways. All Hookeriales have a double peristome . There are often lamellae at the base of the outer peristome teeth. The kalyptra is cone to cap-shaped, often fringed.


The main distribution area of ​​the Hookeriales is in the tropics and more humid subtropics, where they often dominate the moss flora. Many species grow epiphytically or epiphyll (on leaves).


The division of the Hookeriales into families and genera has undergone profound changes over time. In Brotherus 1909 in the "Natural Plant Families" the genera of today's families Daltoniaceae, Saulomataceae, Schimperobryaceae were combined in the Hookeriacaea family, which contained numerous tropical genera.

1972 Miller raised the subfamilies Daltonieae and Distichophylleae to the rank of separate families. Two years later, Crosby proposed a new system based mainly on the structure of the peristome . Numerous other genera were placed in the Daltoniacae family. 1989 Buck separated some genera into another family Adelotheciaceae.

In 2005, a phylogenetic study was finally carried out, which showed that the previously proposed classifications are not valid and the families Distichophyllaceae and Adelotheciaceae are not monophyletic . Another reclassification was made. A later study confirmed this by and large, although the position of individual genera remains unclear.

Due to the remaining ambiguity, the generic names are also given in the following list, which is based on Buck 2005. According to this, the Hookeriales consist of seven families.

Individual evidence

  1. Engler A., ​​Prantl K. (Ed.): The natural plant families. I. part. 3. Division II. Half: Musci (leaf moss) III. Subclass Bryales: II. Special part of VF Brotherus. Leipzig, 1909.
  2. Miller, HA: An overview of the Hookeriales. Phytologia 21: 243-252.
  3. ^ Crosby, MR: Toward a revised classification of the Hookeriaceae (Musci). Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 38: 129-141.
  4. ^ Buck, WR: Taxonomical and nomenclatural arrangement in the Hookeriales with notes on West Indian taxa. Brittonia 39: 210-224. 1987
  5. ^ Buck, WR: Another view of familial delimitation in the Hookeriales. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 29-36. 1988
  6. a b Buck. WR: Ordinal relationships of pleurocarpous mosses, with special emphasis on the Hookeriales. Systematics and Biodiversity 2: 121-145. 2005 (2004)
  7. ^ Ho, BC: Evolution and Diversification of the Hookeriales (Bryopsida) with emphasis on Distichophyllum (Daltoniaceae) and its allied genera. Dissertation at the University of Bonn. 2010.
  8. Wolfgang Frey, Michael Stech, Eberhard Fischer: Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants (= Syllabus of Plant Families. 3). 13th edition. Borntraeger, Berlin et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-443-01063-8 , p. 209 ff.


Web links

Commons : Hookeriales  - collection of images, videos and audio files