Horst Budjuhn

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Horst Budjuhn (born July 30, 1910 in Bromberg , Germany , now Poland, † December 24, 1985 in Locarno , Switzerland ) was a German writer and screenwriter .

Live and act

Budjuhn, who came from West Prussia , came to Berlin at the age of 13 and studied German and literature history for three years from 1928 . In 1931 he became a dramaturge at various Berlin theaters. In 1933 Budjuhn switched to the management of the Renaissance theater . In 1935, the Kiepenheuer stage sales department engaged him as its literary director. At the same time, Budjuhn wrote his first books - novels, plays and biographies. In addition to Noah's Jeep, An Incident, Der much-beloved Herr Brotonneau and Eleonora , Budjuhn wrote the dramatization of Reginald Rose's court drama The Twelve Jurors for the German stage after the war (and also for a German television play in 1963).

In 1938 Budjuhn made his first contact with film and took part in the script for the comedy Der Florentiner Hut with Heinz Rühmann . When war broke out in 1939, he emigrated to Switzerland and continued his work in film there. With Richard Schweizer he edited Gottfried Keller's novella The Abused Love Letters for the film in 1940 . His script for a film version of the anti-Nazi song Die Moorsoldaten was not implemented out of consideration for Hitler's Germany . After the end of the war, Horst Budjuhn regularly returned to Germany for script assignments.

His manuscripts for Federal Republican productions were always adaptations of literary material, including models by Eugène Labiche , Theodor Fontane and Emlyn Williams . His version of Effi Briest was filmed as Rosen im Herbst in 1955 . In the year of his death, Fontane called his book "Effi Briest". Postponed the life of Elisabeth von Ardenne . Budjuhn also worked for the radio.

Since he moved to Switzerland in 1939, Horst Budjuhn's center of life was mainly Ticino (since 1944 Locarno). He temporarily had a second residence in Munich .


Movies unless otherwise stated


  • Kay Less : "In life, more is taken from you than given ...". Lexicon of filmmakers who emigrated from Germany and Austria between 1933 and 1945. A general overview. ACABUS Verlag, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86282-049-8 , p. 117.

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