Horst Gläß

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Horst Gläß (born March 19, 1925 in Einsiedel ; † August 8, 1995 in Thalheim / Erzgeb. ) Was a dialect speaker living in Thalheim / Erzgebirge , who is known in particular for his stage appearances and his poem "Mei Arzgebirg, how are you schie!" has been.


Horst Gläß spent the first years of his life in Einsiedel and in 1930 moved with his family to Burkhardtsdorf , where he spent his youth. In 1945 he married and moved to his wife in Thalheim, where he lived until his death. In addition to his artistic commitment, he was part of the operations manager of the VEB "Buntsockenwerk" Thalheim, which had emerged from the Max Eichler KG Buntsockenfabrik, Thalheim branch, where Gläß initially worked as head master.


Gläß had already been with the Burkhardtsdorf mandolin orchestra from 1948 and in 1950 became the speaker of the “Tholmer Lerchn” (hd .: “Thalheimer Lerchen”). He worked in numerous Ore Mountains home groups, z. As spokesman of the of Erich Walther founded Erzgebirgsgruppe the culture house "Clara Zetkin" in Thalheim, home group Raschau, the Zschorlauer nightingales, the Willy-cold oven group and the Erzgebirgsensemble Aue . He was also to be found as a dialect speaker in the town hall Karl-Marx-Stadt , the Kulturpalast in Dresden and in the Palace of the Republic in Berlin, often at events in the Erzgebirge. On GDR television he was seen for the first time at the side of Heinz Quermann in the program "Christmas in the Erzgebirge". In 1966 he moderated all 15 events of the " cake singing ". Some of his poems were published on the album “Fun from unner Hutzenstub”.

Gläß's repertoire comprised around 100 short stories and poems, which he read freely. He performed up to 150 appearances a year and was also seen on television outside of the GDR. His best-known poem is "Mei Arzgebirg, how are you schie". He had to give up his artistic engagement in 1984 because he became seriously ill and lost his language.

He was a member of the CDU , which he represented as a member of the city council of Thalheim.



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