Howard Atherton

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Howard William Atherton (born August 12, 1947 in Ilford , Greater London , England ) is a British cameraman .

Live and act

Atherton, who came from the greater London area , had attended the London Film School and worked successively as a camera loader (1970 for the film Melody ), a simple cameraman (so-called camera operator ) and finally as a chief cameraman (director of cinematography) . In between his film assignments, he also repeatedly photographed advertisements (including for several types of beer, the Volkswagen Group and the Times ).

In the 1970s Atherton earned his living as a simple cameraman and shot several prominent productions, including the Monty Python hit The Knights of the Coconut and, as a second-unit cameraman in 1978/79, the two science fiction films Alien - The uncanny Beings from a strange world and The Empire strikes back .

In 1982 he received the first offer to work as head cameraman for the cinema. Atherton's breakthrough came in Hollywood in the second half of the 1980s with the thriller A Fateful Affair . In the following seven years he photographed other mostly commercially successful US productions such as Black Rain (only on-site photography in Japan), Mermaids Kiss Better , An Immoral Offer and Bad Boys . Since its participation in the Lolita - remake of Adrian Lyne , where he had replaced the colleague Jeffrey Kimball during filming (1995/96), Atherton was more involved in any box office.

Atherton, who in later years also lectured at his old alma mater in London, has received two awards for his achievements in the field of photography. In 1996 he received the RTS Craft and Design: Camera Award and the Kodak Award for his work on the two-part television film Gulliver's Travels . In the same year he received an Emmy nomination.

Filmography (selection)

Chief cameraman

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Howard Atherton BSC. In: . Retrieved November 13, 2015.