Hugo Friedrich von Eltz

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Hugo Friedrich von Eltz

Hugo Friedrich von Eltz (* July 23, 1597 - † July 19, 1658 in Frankfurt ) was the representative of the Archbishop of Trier and Elector Philipp Christoph von Sötern at the Westphalian Peace Congress in Münster .


Origin and family

Hugo Friedrich von Eltz was the third son of Johann Friedrich von Eltz-Blieskastel-Rodendorf (1560-1609, bailiff in Blieskastel born) and his wife Helen of Seckendorf to Rinhofen († 1624).

Career and work

Hugo Friedrich received cathedral praisees in Trier (1606), Mainz (1611) and Würzburg (1617), which he renounced in 1628. His main place of work was in Trier , where in 1631 he became chief choir bishop and archdeacon of St. Peter. In 1656 he was elected cathedral dean and in Mainz cathedral cantor . At the Westphalian Peace Congress he represented the Archbishop and Elector Philipp von Sötern, who was released in 1645 after ten years of imperial imprisonment at the insistence of the French side. Hugo Friedrich arrived in Münster on October 18, 1645. At the end of July or beginning of August of the following year he withdrew from Münster. He died on July 19, 1658 during the celebrations for the election of Emperor Leopold I and found his grave in the St. Peter and Paul Chapel in Mainz Cathedral . Its epitaph was removed from the cathedral around 1800.


Hugo Friedrich and the whole family was on June 19, 1646 by Emperor Ferdinand III. the title Noble bestowed.

See also


  • Heinz Duchhardt , Gerd Dethlefs, Hermann Queckenstedt: ... to an everlasting memory. The peace halls in Münster and Osnabrück. Series Osnabrücker Kulturdenkmäler, Vol. 8, Bramsche 1996, ISBN 3-930595-83-4 .

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