Hugo Havenith

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Boy playing the flute with dog in the forest

Hugo Havenith (born April 12, 1853 in London , † September 15, 1925 in Düsseldorf ) was a German painter , draftsman and graphic artist .


Hugo Havenith, the youngest son of the businessman Johann Leonard Havenith (1808-1854) from Raeren , was born in London. From February 4, 1874 he studied at the Munich Royal Academy of Fine Arts in the nature class with Ludwig von Löfftz and Wilhelm von Diez . After completing his studies, he stayed in Munich and lived at Tattenbachstrasse 2/4.

He was mainly concerned with genre painting. From 1883 Havenith showed his works at art exhibitions in Berlin and Munich, a. a. in the Munich Glass Palace . He also published his pictures in the " Gartenlaube ".

In 1888 Hugo Havenith married Crescentia (1859–1922) in Munich, née Wenninger. The marriage remained childless. His sister Emilie (1838–1889) was in a relationship with the painter Karl Joseph Litschauer in Düsseldorf. His sister Berta (1839–1891) married the painter Ernst Bosch - also in Düsseldorf . His mother Emilie Anna Maria (1817-1857) was married to the painter Josef Schex (1819-1894) for a short year after her father's death .


Web links

Commons : Hugo Havenith  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hugo Havenith , on, accessed July 24, 2016.
  2. 03004 Hugo Havenith. In: Matriculation Book 1841–1884. Retrieved December 18, 2015.