Hugo von Leipziger

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Hugo von Leipziger

Hugo von Leipziger (born June 16, 1822 in Naumburg (Saale) , † October 14, 1896 in Katzendorf near Berga / Elster ) was a German administrative lawyer.


Hugo von Leipziger was the son of a secret judiciary in Naumburg. The mother was a Byern . After graduating from high school in Naumburg , he began to study law and camera science at the University of Jena in 1843 . In 1844 he was reciprocated in the Corps Guestphalia Jena . After eighteen months inactivated , he transferred to the Royal University of Greifswald . For the last semester he went to the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . In Berlin he passed the first legal examination in 1846, the legal clerkship examination in 1848 and the state examination in 1852.


As Gerichtsassessor he came to the district court Naumburg. During the mobilizations in 1848, 1849, 1850 and 1859 he was briefly an officer. For nine months he was an unskilled worker at the Royal Directorate of the Eastern Railway in Bromberg, established in 1849 . He then joined the government in Poznan as a legal advisor . Transferred to the internal administration of Prussia, in 1853/54 he came as a government assessor to the Upper President of the Province of Saxony in Magdeburg. In 1863 he moved to the government in Potsdam , where he was promoted to government councilor the following year . In 1869 he came to the government in Düsseldorf . During the Franco-Prussian War he was the delegate of the General Inspector of Free Nursing for the entire administrative district. For this he received the Iron Cross on a white ribbon . In 1871 he was transferred to the government in Erfurt . In 1877 he was appointed senior councilor and conductor of the department for church and school affairs in Magdeburg .


After Friedrich von Gerstenberg-Zech , longstanding Minister of State of the Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg , died on August 29, 1879, the position was filled by Hugo von Leipziger on February 24, 1880. He became the real Go Council with the title of excellence appointed. In addition to the chairmanship of the entire ministry, he was also appointed to head the first ministerial department (affairs of the ducal house, interior affairs and culture). He served for eleven years. The last years of his life he lived on his manor near Teichwolframsdorf , in the area of ​​what is now the municipality of Langenbernsdorf . He fell ill in the summer of 1896 and died at the age of 73. His son Erich von Leipziger was a captain in the general staff of the XV. Army Corps .

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corp lists 1960. 70/52.
  2. ^ A b c Altenburger Zeitung for City and Country, October 17, 1896, p. 2
  3. CERL
  4. Rittergut Wolframsdorf (Thuringia archive portal)