IBA Hamburg

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The logo of the IBA Hamburg
New building of the authority for urban development and the environment (BSU) in the area of ​​the IBA

The IBA Hamburg GmbH is an urban development company, on behalf of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg develops sustainable neighborhoods. Already known from her successful work at the Hamburg International Building Exhibition (2006–2013), she has since played an important role in Hamburg's urban development.

IBA Hamburg is responsible for the planning, development, marketing and realization of ten Hamburg quarters on a total area of ​​440 hectares (as of 2019). A total of around 17,000 residential units plus new workplaces, social and educational facilities, green and open spaces and the necessary technical and energy infrastructure will be created here.

From 2006 to 2013 the IBA Hamburg was commissioned with the preparation, implementation and handling of the Hamburg International Building Exhibition. This took place in the districts of Wilhelmsburg and Veddel as well as in the inland port of Harburg .

Urban development company IBA Hamburg

In December 2014, the authority for urban development and housing (BSW) announced that the work of IBA Hamburg GmbH would be continued after the completion of the international building exhibition. The municipal company was initially commissioned by the Hamburg Senate as a project developer for several areas in the south of Hamburg. In addition to project areas in Wilhelmsburg, the IBA Hamburg is also responsible for the development of the three residential areas Vogelkamp Neugraben , Fischbeker Heidbrook and Fischbeker Reethen in the Neugraben-Fischbek district . In 2016, the master planning Oberbillwerder was commissioned . Karen Pein took over the management from the then managing director Uli Hellweg in May 2015. Representatives of the Hamburg administration sit on the IBA Hamburg supervisory board. The seat is still the floating office building IBA DOCK in the Müggenburger Zollhafen in the district of Veddel.

Holistic district development

At IBA Hamburg, according to its own information, great importance is attached to networked thinking and working. The holistic development of the district also includes quality assurance in all phases of project development. In addition, cross-cutting issues such as climate and energy as well as communication and marketing are included from the start. With the aim of realizing livable and stable quarters, the IBA Hamburg accompanies the entire process of development at an early stage with diverse formats of citizen and stakeholder participation. The IBA Hamburg strives for a close exchange with politics and the city committees and is a participant in various steering groups. This creates synergies and a clear goal for everyone involved. The company successfully moderates complex planning processes with a wide range of conflicting goals. The aim is to build and continue to build an open and mixed city within the city and to set standards in urban development and redevelopment. In addition to living space for all population groups, the development of the district includes the provision of sustainable workplaces, diverse educational and leisure opportunities and attractive green spaces. Lively neighborhoods, sustainability and energetic and architectural quality as well as convincing mobility concepts are the goals of the planning. 

The positive developments already initiated by the International Building Exhibition IBA Hamburg are to be continued.

Priority areas Wilhelmsburg, Neugraben-Fischbek, Oberbillwerder

The project areas of IBA Hamburg can be divided into three geographical focus areas. In Wilhelmsburg , the company is continuing the urban development begun by the International Building Exhibition. After the relocation of Wilhelmsburger Reichsstraße in October 2019, the large quarters of Wilhelmsburger Rathausviertel , Elbinselquartier and Spreehafenviertel will be created here. The urban development and open space planning competitions have already been decided. IBA Hamburg has also been commissioned to develop the Inselpark district and two areas in Georgswerder .

In Neugraben-Fischbek , the IBA Hamburg is developing three family-friendly living and working quarters under the umbrella brand “Naturverbunden Wohnen”: Around 5000 new residential units are being built in single-family, row and multi-family houses in Vogelkamp Neugraben , Fischbeker Heidbrook and Fischbeker Reethen . In the neighborhoods there are also new daycare centers and playgrounds, additional offers for sport and exercise, new parks and squares as well as small and large commercial spaces.

In Oberbillwerder in the Hamburg-Bergedorf district, the IBA Hamburg is developing a new district on 124 hectares. This is being developed as the “Active City” model district and is to be decisively shaped by the topics of health, nutrition and sport. A total of up to 7,000 new apartments, up to 5,000 new jobs, numerous new daycare centers and social facilities as well as many offers for sport and exercise in public spaces are to be created here.

History of the Hamburg International Building Exhibition

As a 100 percent subsidiary of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the IBA Hamburg was responsible for the preparation, implementation and handling of the International Building Exhibition IBA Hamburg from 2006 to the presentation year 2013. With the motto “Drafts for the future of the metropolis”, she devoted herself to the “European metropolis in the 21st century” and faced the urban planning and urban political challenges concentrated in the Hamburg district of Wilhelmsburg. With structural, social and cultural projects she wanted to show "how the metropolis of tomorrow can react to the challenges of globalization, polarization and climate change".

The project was financed with around 90 million euros from special investment programs of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Around 1 billion euros were invested between 2007 and 2013, one third of which came from public funds and two thirds from private sources. More than 420,000 people visited the 70 IBA projects in the 2013 presentation year alone.

The reason for the IBA Hamburg was the Leap across the Elbe presented in 2004 , a key project of the “Growing City” strategy with which Hamburg wanted to compete for residents and investments. This “leap over the Elbe” moved the centrally located but long neglected districts in the south of Hamburg into the focus of urban development, above all Wilhelmsburg, the Veddel and the Harburg inland port. The first two districts, also known as the “Elbe Islands” , offer opportunities to build a new “city within the city” - a goal that is also the core of the current draft model for Hamburg's urban development.

In 2007, the IBA Hamburg began with a broad kick-off year, from which, for example, the "Elbe Island Summer", which has taken place annually since then, has emerged.

In October 2010, the interim presentation of the 50 projects under construction and in planning took place. The measures ranged from individual buildings and entire districts to cross-district political, cultural and social programs. In 2013, the final presentation year of the IBA Hamburg took place with a total of 70 projects. Some of the projects were not yet fully completed, others were designed for the long term - such as the “Renewable Wilhelmsburg Climate Protection Concept”.

There was close cooperation and organizational networking between the IBA Hamburg and the International Garden Show Hamburg (IGS 2013), which also took place on the Elbe Islands in 2013 and was intended to enrich the district with its “new type of Volkspark”.

In December 2014, the authority for urban development and the environment (BSU) announced that the work of IBA Hamburg GmbH will be continued. The municipal company was commissioned by the Hamburg Senate as a project developer for several areas in the south of Hamburg. In addition to project areas in Wilhelmsburg, the IBA Hamburg is also responsible for the development of the two residential areas Vogelkamp Neugraben and Fischbeker Heidbrook in the Hamburg-Neugraben-Fischbek district .

Guiding themes

The IBA Hamburg is dedicated to the questions that, according to its own information, are decisive for the "future of metropolises":

  • How can coexistence be organized in an increasingly international urban society?
  • How can spatial and social barriers in metropolises be overcome and new quarters also emerge in places that previously seemed unsuitable for living?
  • How can the metropolises become less dependent on fossil fuels? And how can they arm themselves against the consequences of climate change?

At the beginning of the IBA process, the IBA Hamburg condensed these questions into three main topics, which are at the center of planning, processes and dialogues:

  • Cosmopolis - Turning diversity into strength: At the socio-cultural level, the IBA Hamburg is intended to show what benefits international urban society - the cosmopolis - can mean for a metropolis if new ways of living together are sought.
  • Metro zones - New city within the city: At the urban planning level, the IBA Hamburg is intended to show how the “inner city outskirts”, the zones of the infrastructure and industrial areas, can develop into attractive locations.
  • City in climate change - growth in harmony with the environment: The aim here is to show how a metropolis can grow without putting additional strain on the environment and the climate. And it should show which new solutions a city on the water can use to counter the consequences of climate change.


Project ideas for the Hamburg International Building Exhibition were checked and assessed on the basis of quality criteria, the "IBA Excellence", which the IBA Board of Trustees developed. Characteristics such as public interest, originality, potential use, structural effectiveness and presentability within the framework of the IBA key themes are decisive. In many cases, a jury decided whether a project should be recognized as an IBA project. The IBA Board of Trustees was also included in the project evaluation.

Exemplary projects of the IBA Hamburg are according to their own statement:

Gateway to the world education center

In the middle of Wilhelmsburg, the “Gateway to the World” education center was built, a learning city within the city. It consists of five central building blocks: the School & Business Center, the Environment & Science Center and a multifunctional building with an event hall, parents 'café, parents' school and various advice centers. In addition, the Wilhelmsburg Sprachheilschule will dedicate itself to various aspects of language promotion. The new Elbe Island School joins the educational center with a reform pedagogical concept, which provides educational opportunities beyond school education and creates a social center for the district.

World quarter

Under the motto “residents design their quarters”, a settlement in need of renovation on Weimarer Strasse in the southern Reiherstieg district was converted into a global quarter; a model project for intercultural living with renovation measures that meet the different needs of international residents. A new type of participation process tried to ensure that the interests, which were sometimes very different, were taken into account. The protest at the opening of the “Weltquartier information pillar” shows that this has not always been successful. The Weltquartier, which was completed at the beginning of 2015, has received numerous prizes and awards, including the renowned German Urban Development Award.

Energy bunker

IBA energy bunker with photovoltaic system on the roof and solar thermal system on the south side

The former Flakturm VI in Wilhelmsburg was intended to become a symbol of the “Renewable Wilhelmsburg” climate protection concept. The monument, which has not been in use since the end of the war, has been equipped with a biomass combined heat and power unit, a water storage tank and a solar thermal system that generate hot water and heating for the apartments in the global district.

Energy mountain Georgswerder

Energy mountain IBA with horizon path and wind generator

The Georgswerder landfill hill was transformed into a regenerative energy mountain as part of the IBA. With wind power, solar energy, landfill gases, biomass and geothermal energy, it is supposed to supply over 2000 households on the Elbe island with electricity. In addition, the energy mountain was made accessible to the public as a lookout point. An exhibition run by Hamburg City Cleaning Service provides information about the history of the mountain.

Wilhelmsburg center

Previously cut by traffic aisles, the IBA was able to build new bridges in Wilhelmsburg and turn the center of the Elbe Islands into an urban space that can be experienced through numerous projects: modern workplaces, innovative residential buildings, sports facilities and a new building for the urban development authority are now in the former no man's land. Completely new types of building and apartment, materials, energy concepts and architectural forms, together with the building exhibition in the building exhibition in Wilhelmsburg Mitte, form a "shop window" and allow a glimpse into the future of building and living.  As built case studies, so-called "case studies", they should serve as objects for visualization and discussion long after their completion and establish new types of building.


The IBA Dock in the Müggenburger Zollhafen

In preparation for the International Building Exhibition in Hamburg, the IBA Dock developed by Hanfried Slawik was built as a container building in the Müggendorf customs port , Germany's largest floating office building. The employees of IBA Hamburg GmbH moved into their offices in January 2010. The visitor center with exhibition was opened on May 6, 2010 by then Mayor Ole von Beust. Local residents protested with several actions on and on the water against the plans of the IBA and the lack of affordable housing in all of Hamburg.

The building was erected in a modular construction with seawater-proof and weather-proof fiber cement boards in anthracite, yellow-green, white and IBA blue on a concrete pontoon of around 1000 square meters. As a rear-ventilated curtain wall, these make their contribution to the innovative energy-saving concept.

The location of the Elbe Islands

The Elbe Islands, the site of the International Building Exhibition, are located in the middle of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, separated from the city center and HafenCity by the North Elbe. Wilhelmsburg is also bounded in the south by the Süderelbe and in the west by the Köhlbrand. Around 55,000 people from around 40 nations live on these 52 square kilometers, mainly in the Wilhelmsburg and Veddel districts.

Its special geography and the unique mixture of cultures, of residential, commercial and harbor use, of marshland, dykes and water form a unique urban living space here. The IBA Hamburg has chosen this special metropolitan area with its contrasts, its possibilities, problems and areas of conflict as a presentation area, because the problems and opportunities of the metropolises are more concentrated here than anywhere else.

IBA convention and dialogue formats

In order to preserve the model character of a building exhibition and to be able to give exemplary answers to current questions of urban development, the IBA Hamburg planned to mobilize as many available forces as possible in the Hanseatic city. In Hamburg, for example, she wanted to focus on an open participation and dialogue structure: business, administration, politics, culture and citizens are therefore involved in various ways as partners in the IBA process. At the beginning of the IBA, the city's key players agreed in the “IBA Convention” on the main objectives of the building exhibition. More than 50 companies and institutions from all areas of society signed the IBA Convention in May 2007 and thereby committed themselves to cooperation.

Different dialogue formats are intended to activate civic engagement and guarantee opportunities for participation.

  • Participation committee: Following the long-standing tradition of participation processes on the Elbe Islands, the IBA has created its own committee for citizen participation: The participation committee with 24 citizens and seven politicians from the IBA presentation area actively accompanied and supplemented the planning and implementation process of the IBA and the international garden show the existing renovation and district councils on the Elbe islands.
  • Citizens 'dialogues: in the center of the Elbe Islands, open citizens' dialogues take place several times a year in the Wilhelmsburg community center. They are a forum and workshop for the citizens, who have the opportunity to regularly exchange information about goals, plans and the status of the projects of the IBA Hamburg.
  • IBA laboratories and forums: Specialized events and workshops, expert panels and congresses take place regularly on the Elbe Islands: The IBA laboratories focus on individual aspects and specialist topics, while the IBA forums deal with overarching aspects of urban development on a larger scale. Leading scientists and international experts come to Hamburg, exchange ideas and engage in dialogue with the citizens. At the center of all events, workshops and debates is always the question of how people can shape their coexistence, living and working in the metropolis of the future.


Protest action

Due to the upgrading of the urban districts that have been structurally neglected for decades and partly characterized by poverty, residents see the risk of being displaced in the course of a gentrification process . Numerous public events and dialogue formats, however, contributed to building trust and not planning against each other, but with each other. Most of the projects at the International Building Exhibition are now firmly anchored in Wilhelmsburg and are well received by the population and residents. “Living means staying!” And “upgrading without displacement” are still among the fundamental maxims of the IBA Hamburg today.


  • Wilhelmsburg Restructuring Working Group (AKU): "Wilhelmsburg Company. Urban development under the sign of IBA and igs" Association A, Hamburg 2013 ISBN 978-3-86241-426-0 .
  • Wilhelmsburg Restructuring Working Group (AKU): Everything, everything is wrong. How the urban development tool "International Building Exhibition" should make Wilhelmsburg and Veddel usable and what that means for the residents of Hamburg 2011. ( online (PDF 5.7 MB) ), accessed on December 1, 2012.
  • Working Group Restructuring Wilhelmsburg (AKU): The island they live on! Snapshot of an unsocial housing and upgrading policy. Hamburg 2009. ( online (PDF 3.3MB) ), accessed on December 1, 2012.
  • IBA Hamburg: drafts for the future of the metropolis. Volume 1: Metropolis: Reflection. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2007. ISBN 978-3-939633-90-7 .
  • IBA Hamburg: drafts for the future of the metropolis. Volume 2: Metropolis: Resources. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2008. ISBN 978-3-939633-91-4 .
  • IBA Hamburg: drafts for the future of the metropolis. Volume 3: Metropolis: Education. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2009. ISBN 978-3-86859-070-8 .
  • IBA Hamburg: drafts for the future of the metropolis. Volume 4: Metropolis: Metro Zones. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2010. ISBN 978-3-86859-071-5 .
  • IBA Hamburg: drafts for the future of the metropolis. Volume 5: Metropolis: Cosmopolis. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2011. ISBN 978-3-86859-075-3 .
  • IBA Hamburg: drafts for the future of the metropolis. Volume 6: Metropolis: Civil Society. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2012. ISBN 978-3-86859-220-7 .
  • IBA Hamburg: drafts for the future of the metropolis. Volume 7: Metropolis: Stadt Neu Bauen JOVIS Verlag Berlin, 2013. ISBN 978-3-86859-221-4 .
  • IBA Hamburg: IBA Hamburg: Projects and Concepts, Catalog of the Interim Presentation 2010. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2010. ISBN 978-3-86859-072-2 .
  • IBA Hamburg: Creativity Meets City - On the relationship between art, culture and urban development. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2010. ISBN 978-3-86859-095-1 .
  • IBA Hamburg: Energy Atlas - Renewable Wilhelmsburg Future Concept. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2010. ISBN 978-3-86859-076-0 .
  • IBA Hamburg: Paths to the New City - A travel guide to the Elbe Islands and the IBA Hamburg projects. Klartext Verlag, Essen 2012. ISBN 978-3-8375-0816-1 .
  • IBA Hamburg: Building a city within a city. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2014. ISBN 978-3-86859-285-6 .
  • IBA Hamburg; Federal Environment Agency; TU Darmstadt: Energy Atlas Work Report 1 - Future Concept Renewable Wilhelmsburg. JOVIS Verlag, Berlin 2015. ISBN 978-3-86859-285-6 .

Web links

Commons : IBA 2013 Hamburg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Press release, Successful work of the IBA will be continued in Wilhelmsburg , December 9, 2014, accessed on September 18, 2018
  2. Press release, Karen Pein is the new managing director of IBA Hamburg GmbH , June 1, 2015, accessed on September 18, 2018
  3. ^ IBA Hamburg GmbH: Building the City anew. Rebuild the city. Company portrait. IBA Hamburg GmbH. IBA Hamburg GmbH, 2017, accessed on October 22, 2018 .
  4. ^ IBA Hamburg GmbH: The Connected City. Master plan Oberbillwerder. IBA Hamburg GmbH, January 2019, accessed on May 4, 2019 .
  5. Deutschlandfunk: Main topic: Planning for the future. August 29, 2013, accessed June 18, 2019 .
  6. IBA Hamburg GmbH: The IBA is going - its projects remain. November 1, 2013, accessed June 18, 2019 .
  7. hamburg1.de: IBA mid-term review  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.hamburg1.de   , October 26, 2010. Accessed January 28, 2011.
  8. ^ Authority for Urban Development and Environment: Successful work of the IBA will be continued in Wilhelmsburg , December 9, 2014. Accessed April 7, 2015.
  9. Flyer of the protests against the opening of the Weltquartier information column
  10. Hanfried Slawik : Floating Houses in Deutsche Bauzeitung from December 30, 2010
  11. IBA Hamburg GmbH: IBA Hamburg - Seven years on the island. Retrieved October 24, 2018 .