Ihle Canal

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The Ihle Canal between the Elbe and the Plauer Canal

The Ihle Canal was an artificial waterway between the Elbe and the Plauer Canal near Parey in the former Prussian province of Saxony. It was built between 1865 and 1872 and was about 30 kilometers long.

Reasons for building canals

With the establishment of the German Empire in 1871, the city of Burg experienced modest economic development through the settlement of companies. At that time, the city of Burg expressed the wish to be connected to the waterway network.
In terms of shipping technology, at the confluence of the Plauer Canal with the Elbe, obstacles caused by silting up again and again. The Elbe had low water for months in the summer, which led to diving depth restrictions and disadvantaged shipping on the route from Parey to Magdeburg .
The installation of the canal saved a distance of around 30 kilometers on the Elbe. This section was particularly difficult going uphill against the current of the river.

Channel course

The new canal branched off from the Plauer Canal near the town of Bergzow and followed the valley of the Ihle River to Burg in a westerly direction . At Niegripp it ended in an arch of the Stromelbe. The canal was given roughly the same cross-section as the Plauer Canal.

Remnants of the old Niegripp lock
Remnants of the wall of the former Ihleburg lock
Head of the Bergzow lock


The historic Ihle Canal was provided with three locks. They were also built between 1865 and 1872.

  • Old Niegripp lock ( 52 ° 16 ′ 14.9 ″  N , 11 ° 45 ′ 23.3 ″  E ) The height of fall in the (old) Niegripp lock was determined by the changing water levels of the Elbe. It was built as a domed lock with three heads, i.e. with two chambers one behind the other. Each chamber had a usable length of 47 meters. The total usable length of the lock was 98.5 meters, the usable width was 8 meters. In the event of a water shortage in the canal area, there were free arcs at the Niegripp lock to discharge Elbe water into the canal.

The location of the Ihle Canal on a historical map

The expansion of the canal from 1883 to 1891

The commissioning of the canal increased the freight traffic between the Havel waters and the Elbe enormously until 1882. In the summer months, the traffic on this route doubled. The enlargement of the ship's dimensions and the introduction of the Plauer Maß barge between the Elbe and Oder inevitably led to an overload of the water and demands for an expansion. These included the widening and deepening, as well as the enlargement or new construction of the locks. The bridges should be renewed because they hindered navigation due to the low clearance heights. The locks were extended to a useful length of 65 meters. The canal was given a width of 26 m and a minimum depth of 2 m. The duct cross-section should not be less than 42 m². It was approved for a maximum ship size of 65 m in length and 8 m in width. The draft was 1.60 m.
However, with the construction of a new lock in Parey and the completion of a new branch of the Plauer Canal in 1891, traffic in the Ihle Canal declined. Many skippers used the free descent (drifting with the current) on the Elbe to save towing costs in the canal. The canal was mostly only used by residents and lost its previous importance.

Examples of traffic development (selection)

Decline in total tons of ship passages in Niegripp lock (old).
1855 1890 1895
Development of the ship passages in Parey lock (new) in total tons.
1890 1895 1896

The canal expansion 1926 to 1938

The situation of the waterways in 2020 with the Elbe-Havel Canal and dark blue marked old courses of the Ihle Canal

With the passing of the Mittelland Canal Act on December 4, 1920, concrete stipulations were made for the first time for the expansion of the continuous waterway from the Elbe to the Havel. The Ihle Canal and the Plauer Canal were to be integrated into the eastern section of the MLK, called the Elbe-Havel Canal . In accordance with the expansion parameters of the MLK, the canal cross-section was expanded to 64 m² and the canal was widened to over 35 meters during the almost ten-year construction period. The average water depth was 2 meters. The permitted ship size was 80 meters and 9 meters wide. These had a load capacity of up to one thousand tons.
The two canal stages Ihleburg and Bergzow were combined to form a common canal stage, the Zerben lock . A new lock was built in Niegripp , integrated into the new
Niegripper connecting channel . All bridges were renewed and the construction work for an Elbe overpass for the MLK began, but was discontinued with the beginning of the Second World War.

Remnants of the Ihle Canal

The remnants of the Ihle Canal left over from the construction and further expansion of the Elbe-Havel Canal are:

They are among the so-called other federal inland waterways for which the Brandenburg Waterways and Shipping Office is responsible.

See also


  • The Province of Saxony in words and pictures Pestalozziverein der Provinz Sachsen Volume I, published by Julius Klinkhardt 1902, pages 95 ff OCLC 832876855
  • Hans Joachim Uhlemann Berlin and the Märkische Wasserstraßen transpress publishing house for transport Berlin 1988 ISBN 3-344-00115-9 page 175
  • Herbert Sterz Havel shipping under the sail Verlag MEDIA @ VICE GmbH Pritzwalk 2005 ISBN 3-00-016065-5
  • Writings of the Association for European Inland Shipping and Waterways eV West European Shipping and Port Calendar Binnenschifffahrts-Verlag GmbH Duisburg-Ruhrort OCLC 48960431
  • Folke Stender Redaktion Sportschifffahrtskarten Binnen 1 Nautical Publication Verlagsgesellschaft ISBN 3-926376-10-4 .

Web links

Commons : Schleuse Bergzow  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Private picture gallery of the region [1]

Individual evidence

  1. Picture of today's old sewer
  2. Documented decline in traffic (PDF; 1.3 MB)
  3. ^ Reichs-Verkehrs-Blatt A 1938, p. 191
  4. Lengths (in km) of the main shipping lanes (main routes and certain secondary routes) of the federal inland waterways ( memento of the original from January 21, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.wsv.de
  5. Directory F of the Chronicle ( Memento of the original from July 22, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.wsv.de

Coordinates: 52 ° 23 '47.8 "  N , 12 ° 2' 46.6"  E