Ilmar Sikemäe

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Ilmar Sikemäe (born as Helmut Boetker , born December 5 . Jul / 18th December  1914 greg. In Albu ; † 25. July 1998 Tallinn ) was an Estonian writer and publicist.


Sikemäe went to school in Tallinn and graduated from high school there in 1935. He then worked for four years as an accountant at the publishing house Uus Eesti ('New Estonia'), after the Sovietization of Estonia he worked for the Rahva Hääl newspaper from 1940–1941 . In 1941 he was mobilized into the Red Army . After the war he worked for various newspapers and magazines and from 1953 to 1957 he was editor-in-chief of Looming , Estonia's most important literary magazine.

Sikemäe had been a member of the CPSU since 1945 and of the Estonian Writers' Union since 1949 .

Literary work

As a schoolboy, Sikemäe made his first attempts at writing, and in the late 1930s his stories and humorous stories appeared in magazines under various pseudonyms. After the war he published his short prose in two collections, which were received politely but not without critical remarks. For example, one critic complained about a narrative that its greatest flaw is "that nowhere is the guiding and helping hand of the party noticed". However, his story Tolm ('Dust'), which appeared in the March issue of Looming in 1955 , literally stirred up dust for a short time because the ideology watchdogs saw it as a violation of party guidelines.

He achieved his greatest fame with the work Letters from Vargamäe (1962, 1977) , published in two editions . Sikemäe's maternal grandfather, Jakob Sikenberg, had served Anton Hansen Tammsaare as a prototype for the scheming opponent of his main character in the first part of the novel Tõde ja õigus . Through his own memoirs and interviews, Sikemäe has now succeeded in "providing material that is worthwhile for the background to Tõde ja õigus ".

Ilmar Sikemäe also wrote miniatures and children's stories and translated from German (for example Georg Weerth , Bernhard Kellermann and Bernhard Seeger ).


Translations into German

There is also a story in German by Ilmar Sikemäe: "A person like everyone else ..." Translated [from Russian] by AE Thoss, in: From the book of life. Ukrainian and Estonian short stories. Selection and introduction Erich Müller. Berlin: Publishing House Culture and Progress 1951, pp. 262–276.


  • Teekond jätkub ('The way goes on'). Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus 1951. 196 pp.
  • Näoga tuleviku poole ('The face on the future'). Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus 1961. 303 pp.
  • Kirjad Vargamäelt ('Letters from Vargamäe'). Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus 1962. 224 pp.
  • Selged silmad ('clear eyes'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1967. 264 pp.
  • Sada lugu. Jutte ja laaste aastaist 1929-1969 ('Hundred stories. Stories and miniatures'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1969. 344 pp.
  • Kolm tütarlast ja teised ('Three girls and the others'). Tallinn: Eesti NSV Riiklik Kunstiinstituut 1968. 16 pp.
  • Kirjad Vargamäelt. 2., täiendatud trükk. ('Letters from Vargamäe. 2nd, extended edition'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1977. 235 pp.
  • Vasaku käe lood ('Left Hand Stories'). Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1989. 156 pp.

Secondary literature

  • Egon Rannet : Noore autori esimesest raamatust, in: Looming 4/1951, pp. 495-499.
  • A. Tulik: Kunst algab karakterist, in: Looming 6/1962, pp. 953–957.
  • Reet crusts: Ilmar Sikemäe kutsub Vargamäele, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 5/1963, pp. 307-310.
  • Einar Maasik : Ilmar Sikemäe läbi viie aastakümne, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 12/1964, pp. 753–754.
  • Ralf Parve : Kiri 50-aastasele koolivennale, in: Looming 12/1964, pp. 1869–1873.
  • Ülo Tonts: Tööinimeste portreid ja natuke probleemegi, in: Looming 9/1967, pp. 1433-1434.
  • Endel Mallene: Neljakümne aasta tunde- ja mõttepäevik, in: Looming 4/1970, pp. 629–631.
  • Karl Mihkla: Ilmar Sikemäe ja tema kodunurk Järvamaa, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 12/1974, pp. 752–755.
  • Oskar Kuningas: Juubelikiri Ilmar Sikemäele, in: Looming 12/1984, pp. 1716-1717.
  • Aksel Tamm: "Aga see oli üks mees" (II). Ilmar Sikemäe, in: Loomng 7/2002, pp. 1069-1074.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, pp. 531-532.
  2. Eesti kirjanduse ajalugu. V. köide. 2. raamat. Kirjandus Eestis 1950.-1980-ndail aastail. Toimetaja M. Kalda. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1991, p. 273.
  3. ^ Egon Rannet: Noore autori esimesest raamatust, in: Looming 4/1951, p. 495.
  4. ^ Aksel Tamm: ga see oli üks mees (II). Ilmar Sikemäe, in: Loomng 7/2002, p. 1070.
  5. ^ Reet crusts: Ilmar Sikemäe kutsub Vargamäele, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 5/1963, p. 310.