Property management

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Real estate management is the holistic, sustainable and life cycle-oriented management of real estate, in particular the administration, letting and marketing of real estate for the purpose of a long-term optimal use of the real estate resource over the entire life cycle.


Real estate management is a field of business administration , in particular real estate management . It actually includes project development , project management for planning and execution and facility management for real estate and building management. This also includes construction management in a broader sense , for example with corporate real estate management and construction management .

Basic tasks include the commercial, technical and infrastructural management of real estate, such as facility management. The area of ​​activity thus extends from rental and bookkeeping to maintenance and repair to the organization of other services such as security and cleaning.

Efficient real estate management analyzes customer needs, can demonstrate extensive knowledge of the real estate market and has the ability to understand the complexity of real estate management and conceptually network all components. Due to the amount of investment in real estate, the time intervals between decisions and the long payback periods , modern real estate management requires efficient controlling tools for all strategic analysis, planning and control tasks.

The integration of modern IT systems and databases is common.

education and study

Due to the increasing professionalization and technical qualification of the real estate industry professions, the demand for well-trained specialists and executives is steadily increasing. In addition to training to become a real estate agent and real estate manager, various courses in real estate management, real estate business administration and real estate economics are also offered.

Universities that offer courses in real estate management:


  • Kerry U. Brauer: Fundamentals of the real estate economy , 8th edition, Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-658-01657-9 .
  • Klaus Homann: Real Estate Controlling: Starting Points for a Life Cycle Oriented Concept , Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, (25 August 1999), ISBN 978-3-8244-6930-7 .
  • Hans Mayrzedt , Norbert Geiger , Eckhard Klett, Thomas Beyerle, Gisela Götz: Internationales real estate management: manual for training, further education and practice , Vahlen, 1st edition, ISBN 978-3-8006-3424-8 .
  • Steffen Metzner: Real estate controlling: Strategic analysis and control of real estate results based on information systems , Books on Demand GmbH, 1st edition, October 24, 2002, ISBN 978-3-8311-4366-5 .
  • Dieter Pfister : Space - Design - Marketing in holistic, sustainable management. Consequences of a topical-henadian conception of space for world views, scientific models and corporate practice, edition gesowip Basel, November 1, 2007, ISBN 978-3-9061-2940-2 .
  • Andreas Pfnür: Modern real estate management: real estate investment, real estate use, real estate development and operation , Springer; 3rd edition 2011 (May 2010), ISBN 978-3-5407-9467-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Andreas Pfnür : "Modernes Immobilienmanagement", Springer 2004, page 53
  2. Claus Jürgen Diederichs : "Real estate management in the life cycle: project development, project management, facility management, real estate valuation", Springer 2005, page 2