Imre Greguss

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Imre Greguss (born March 30, 1856 in Uhrovec , Austrian Empire ; died June 5, 1910 in Budapest , Austria-Hungary ) was a Hungarian painter.


Greguss studied with Otto Seitz at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich from 1873 to 1875 and attended Józef Brandt's painting school . He had success with pictures that he exhibited at the Munich artists' cooperative. He returned to Hungary and was a war painter in the Bosnian War in 1878 . His painting of the flood in Szeged in 1879 was bought and given to the city by Archduchess Marie Valerie . In 1883 he stayed with Jules-Joseph Lefebvre at the Académie Julian and painted with Gustave Boulanger and Mihály von Munkácsy . After a stay in Venice he studied in Budapest with Gyula Benczúr .

Imre Greguss (1888)
Imre Greguss: Panna Czinka (1910)

Since he was striving for a secure income, he passed the drawing teacher diploma at the National Model Drawing School in Budapest in 1889/90. From 1891 he worked at various schools in Hungary, from 1893 to 1899 at the Hauptrealschule in Košice, then at the grammar school in the 8th district in Budapest.


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