Ingeborg Schnack

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Ingeborg Schnack (born July 9, 1896 in Hanekenfähr , † November 3, 1997 in Marburg ) was an important librarian at the library of the Philipps University of Marburg .


Schnack grew up on the island of Hanekenfähr not far from Lingen in Lower Saxony. Her father Wilhelm Schnack was a government builder and was often transferred. Ingeborg Schnack went to school for the first time in Hirschberg in Silesia. After staying in Opole (Upper Silesia), she came to Hildesheim in 1910 , where she attended the Lyceum and graduated from high school. After her father was again transferred to Koblenz , she attended Hilda School from 1913 (today Hilda-Gymnasium) and on February 9, 1916 acquired the qualification to teach high schools and secondary schools.

She has published numerous publications, especially on the history of the Philipps University of Marburg and the life and work of Rainer Maria Rilke . She is also known due to numerous correspondence with personalities of her time.

Her catalog “Contributions to the History of the Scholar's Portrait” (see “Writings”), in which she deals with personalities such as Hans Ulrich Alt , Johann Wilhelm Becker , Christoph Maximilian Bronner , Wilhelm Dilich , Cornelius Draudt , Johann Peter Engelhard , is also important. Jean Frederic Fleischberger , Sebastian Furch , Elias Hainzelmann , Veltner Keim , Michael Kestner , Jost Kolb , Lucas Kilian , Augustin François Lemaître , Johann Heinrich Leuchter , Michael Müller , John Nicol R. Reuling , Johann Ludwig Strecker , Andreas Mathäus Wolfgang , Jacob Züberlein , and Georg (from Basel) Thomas .

Fonts (selection)

  • Richard von Cluny, his chronicle and his monastery at the beginning of the church division of 1159 Berlin 1921.
  • The flat card index in the accession . In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen , vol. 49, 1932, pp. 488–493.
  • Contributions to the history of the scholar's portrait (in it: The emergence of the portrait collection of Marburg and Giessen university teachers 1629-49; the Marburg university painter Johann Peter Engelhard 1659-89; complete list of portraits; list of artists ), catalog, in: Historische Bildkunde , Vol. 3, von Diepenbroick -Grüter, Hamburg 1935
  • Marburg scholars in the first half of the 20th century. Marburg 1977.
  • The correspondence between Friedrich Carl von Savigny and Stephan August Winkelmann . [Ed.] Marburg 1984.
  • Rainer Maria Rilke, chronicle of his life and his work . Frankfurt am Main 1996, 2nd, revised. and additional ed.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. worldcat