Ingolf Pernice

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Ingolf Pernice (born July 6, 1950 in Marburg ) is a German legal scholar .


Pernice is the son of the pediatrician Wolfgang Pernice and Clara Pernice, nee. of hare. From 1969 to 1974 he studied law in Marburg and Geneva , and in 1975 economics in Freiburg . He then worked for a year as a research assistant at Peter Häberle in Augsburg , where he received his doctorate in 1978 . After completing his legal traineeship at the Munich Higher Regional Court , he worked from 1980 to 1987 as a member of the board of directors and member of the legal service of the European Union . In 1987 he completed his habilitation at the University of Bayreuth .

In 1993 he was appointed professor for public law , international law and European law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main . From 1996 until his retirement in 2016, Pernice taught at the Humboldt University in Berlin at the Institute for International and European Law, among other things he was Dean of the Faculty of Law. In 1998 he was visiting professor at the University of Paris .

In 1997, Ingolf Pernice founded the Walter Hallstein Institute for European Constitutional Law , which deals with the research and discussion of the principles, structures and contents of a European constitutional order on a comparative constitutional basis. Until 2016 he was the managing director of the institute. In his role, Pernice was largely responsible for the Humboldt Speeches on Europe , which are organized by the Walter Hallstein Institute. Since 2016, the institute has been continued by his successor Matthias Ruffert .

Ingolf Pernice was one of the four founding directors of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) in 2011 .


Publications (selection)

  • Fundamental rights in European Community law. A contribution to the Community-immanent protection of fundamental rights by the European Court of Justice . Baden-Baden 1979 (= Dissertation Augsburg 1978), ISBN 3-7890-0432-4 .
  • Equity and hardship clauses in public law. Basics and contours of an equity competence of administration . Baden-Baden 1991 (= Habilitation Bayreuth 1987), ISBN 3-7890-2381-7 .
  • as editor: A constitution for the European Union. First comments on the 2003 draft of the European Convention . Baden-Baden 2004, ISBN 3-8329-0646-0 .
  • Europe beyond its borders. Political, historical and legal perspectives . Baden-Baden 2009, ISBN 978-3-8329-4253-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. About us - Walter Hallstein Institute. Retrieved February 25, 2018 .
  2. Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert - Walter Hallstein Institute. Retrieved February 25, 2018 .