Institute for International Communication

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Institute for International Communication V.
(IIK Düsseldorf)
Logo Institut-für-Internationale-Kommunikation.jpg
purpose Promotion of international academic, cultural and economic cooperation
President: Helmut Brall-Tuchel
Establishment date: 1989
Number of members: 38
Seat : Dusseldorf

The Institute for International Communication e. V. (IIK Düsseldorf) is a university-related education provider that designs and implements programs for professional development in close cooperation with universities and companies . It was founded in 1989 as a spin-off from Heinrich Heine University .


As a non-profit organization , the IIK Düsseldorf promotes the internationalization of Germany as a university location and professional training, in particular through the dissemination of foreign language skills . Through communication and management training and the use of new communication technologies, an improved integration of higher education and professional practice is achieved.

The association finances itself without subsidies through its work in the field of professional development. Any surpluses are made available in the form of grants or to support projects that serve to internationalize Germany as a university location.


The IIK Düsseldorf was founded in 1989 by employees of the Philosophical Faculty of the Heinrich Heine University as a non-profit association. The original aim was to intensify the exchange, especially with universities in Eastern Europe, to promote European business foreign languages ​​and to transfer know-how in cooperation with European and non-European universities.

In 1995, a new business model was developed for the association in order to operate the association as a self-financed non-profit training institute. The focus of the work was the teaching of modern foreign languages ​​for students and professionals, advanced training for foreign language teachers, advanced training for professionals as well as offers for blended learning and e-learning . In 2008 a separate training center was opened for seminars. Later, due to the increasing number of participants, the company moved into a new training center at Eulerstraße 50 in Düsseldorf-Pempelfort . A second location in Berlin complements the offer as “IIK Berlin International Dialog” (IIK berlinerID).

Club structure

The association is registered at the Düsseldorf District Court and recognized as a non-profit organization. The membership, which consists mainly of professors and academic employees of the Heinrich Heine University, elects a board that manages the association's affairs. The first chairman of the board was the Germanist Georg Stötzel from 1989 to 2001 , he was followed by the educational scientist Christine Schwarzer from 2002 to 2008, from 2009 to January 2018 the educational researcher Heiner Barz was chairman, since February 2018 the Germanist Helmut Brall-Tuchel has been chairman. The board of directors appoints a managing director who is responsible for the implementation of all operational processes and who regularly submits an annual report to the board of directors. Matthias Jung has been performing this task since 1995. The former board of directors was later transferred to a presidium, and the former management board to an executive board.

Fields of work

Foreign language training

Seminar situation with the Rhine tower in the background

The IIK Düsseldorf offers individually tailored courses for students and professionals in the following foreign languages:

In 2011, more than 3,000 course bookings were registered in the field of German as a foreign language alone. As a licensed examination center for TestDaF , telc, WiDaF, TOEIC , GMAT or TOEFL , the IIK Düsseldorf conducts several thousand exams every year, around three thousand exams for TOEFL alone.

Training for teachers

Since the beginning of the 1990s, advanced training for foreign language teachers has been offered, with current didactic and methodical concepts being conveyed, observation in schools and adult education courses being made possible and the didactically sensible use of the Internet for foreign language teaching and learning being practiced. Since 2000, all training courses have been classified by the European Commission as being eligible for funding as part of its Grundtvig and Comenius educational programs . The IIK Düsseldorf designs its own advanced training programs and workshops for many German educational institutions such as the DAAD , the educational exchange service , the Federal Administration Office , the Federal Language Office or for universities from abroad.

further education

The advanced training area includes offers to improve communicative, job-related skills. In addition to the classic communication seminars, rhetoric and presentation seminars, argumentation and negotiation training, workshops on self-marketing and conflict management as well as intercultural training are offered.

European projects

The IIK Düsseldorf has been regularly involved in European educational projects since the 1990s. From 2003 to 2006, the IIK Düsseldorf was a partner in the DaF network and developed an Internet portal for networking teachers, lecturers, trainers and experts in the field of German as a foreign language, which the European Commission received in 2009 with the European Award for Lifelong Learning in Creativity and Innovation. From 2008 to 2009 the IIK Düsseldorf took part in the EU project IDIAL ( intercultural dialogue through regionalized textbooks). One result of the project are online teacher training modules that are available free of charge. Subsequently, the IIK Düsseldorf took part in the EU project IDIAL4P, which ran until December 31, 2011 and, after the end of the project, will operate an online center for teaching in technical languages ​​at its own expense, with free downloads of teaching materials, placement tests and Offers e-learning units. From July 2014 to June 2016, the IIK carried out an Erasmus + project to expand the digital skills of foreign language teachers, which was recognized by the German National Agency for the Federal Institute for Vocational Training as good practice in the field of mobility in adult education.

Funding activity or scholarships

Award of the sponsorship award to Udo Figge, District Leader, District 3, by Matthias Jung

Surpluses from the association's activities are distributed in the sense of the association's purpose in the form of project funding or grants. In the years 2000–2008, around EUR 150,000 was made available to fund projects at Heinrich Heine University. Funded were z. B. the participation of students in a UN simulation in New York, student exchange projects with universities worldwide or the support of the activities of foreign representatives of different faculties of the Heinrich Heine University .

Every year, the IIK also awards several scholarships (with accommodation and food allowance) for foreign students or teachers to take part in language courses and advanced training.

In 2009, a new sponsorship tradition was established with the invitation to tender for the International Higher Education Prize worth EUR 3,000. In cooperation with the district council of the city district 3 in Düsseldorf, the prizes are awarded to promote university access for migrants and the linguistic mobility of applicants and students.

As part of his work as CEO, Heiner Barz has been able to establish the regular tender and award of an "IIK Interculture Prize" since 2011. The prize money of EUR 1,000 is awarded for an outstanding examination or doctoral thesis in the field of intercultural studies. The award is given to works from social, cultural or linguistic studies, philology, history, philosophy, art or music studies, which examine historical and current issues and problems of intercultural understanding, the history and function of culture-specific prejudices and barriers as well as the connections between culture and migration.

Also on the initiative of Heiner Barz, the IIK evening academy was brought into being, in which recognized guest speakers present and discuss socially relevant topics with international and intercultural references. Topics were “Education and Migration” (2010), “Does Islam belong to Germany?” (2012), “Foreign skilled workers” (2013/14), “Refugees welcome - and then?” (2015/16), “Back in the USSR? ”(2016/17),“ With different eyes - Düsseldorf from the perspective of the world ”(2018). The speakers included the then Integration Minister Armin Laschet , the then BAMF President Manfred Schmidt , the founder of the aid organization Cap Anamur , Rupert Neudeck , the General Secretary of the DAAD, Dorothea Rüland , the former managing director of the pirate party Marina Weisband and the author of Muslim Girls Sineb El-Masrar .

Web portals for learning German

European Award for Lifelong Learning 2009 presented by EU Commissioner Ján Figel΄ to Dagmar Schäffer, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, and Rüdiger Riechert, IIK Düsseldorf

In order to promote German as a foreign language, the IIK Düsseldorf has financed the establishment and operation of free internet portals for teaching and learning German since 1997: Forum German as a Foreign Language, Forum Business German and DaF-Netzwerk , since 2004 within the framework of the EU project, from October 2006 independently financed.

In 2009 the DaF network received the European Award for Lifelong Learning 2009 in silver. The European Commission has awarded this prize annually since 2007 to three outstanding European projects in six different European education programs.

Specialist newsletter on teaching German

In addition to teaching materials, worksheets, online tests and forums for the exchange of teachers and learners, specialist newsletters in the field of German as a foreign language and business German are sent free of charge to around 20,000 subscribers worldwide: E-DaF info letter for German as a foreign language (German library: ISSN  1439- 3611 ) and information letter Business German (German Library: ISSN  1439-3700 ).

Individual evidence

  1. European Award for Lifelong Learning in Creativity and Innovation 2009
  2. IDIAL project
  3. IDIAL project: Online training for Bulgarian, German, Polish, Russian and Slovak teachers
  4. idial4P - Intercultural Dialogue
  5. Idial4P online center for teaching technical languages
  6. Good Practice Project Adult Education Erasmus +
  7. Institute website - overview of all funded projects
  8. ^ Institute for International Communication - Ruediger Riechert: IIK Prize for Interculture. Retrieved September 6, 2018 .
  9. ^ Institute for International Communication - Ruediger Riechert: Evening Academy Migration and Education - IIK Düsseldorf. Retrieved September 6, 2018 .
  10. ^ Institute for International Communication - Ruediger Riechert: IIK Düsseldorf - Lecture series "Does Islam belong to Germany?" Retrieved September 6, 2018 .
  11. Institute for International Communication - Ruediger Riechert: IIK Evening Academy "Foreign specialists wanted - hasty? Necessary? Welcome?" Retrieved September 6, 2018 .
  12. 2015: Refugees | IIK evening academy. Retrieved on September 6, 2018 (German).
  13. Institute for International Communication - Ruediger Riechert: IIK Evening Academy "Back in the USSR? European-Russian Dialogue between Conflict and Communication". Retrieved September 6, 2018 .
  14. 2018: Düsseldorf from the perspective of the world | IIK evening academy. Retrieved on September 6, 2018 (German).