Southeast Institute

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The Southeast Institute (short form: SOI) was a research institute for the past and present of the countries of Southeast Europe . It was founded in Munich in 1930 and has been in Regensburg since 2007 , where it cooperated with the Institute for Eastern Law , the Eastern Europe Institute and the Hungarian Institute within the framework of the Science Center East and Southeast Europe Regensburg .


The Southeast Institute was supported by the public-law 'Foundation for Scientific Research on Southeastern Europe' and financed by funds from the Free State of Bavaria ( Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and Art ). It sponsored and published scientific work, held scientific meetings and maintained a scientific library. Another task consisted of maintaining relationships with other institutions and organizations with similar purposes and supporting them in carrying out research work together. The core competence included transnational basic research and the publication of reference works, handbooks and source editions as well as specialist monographs. Additional thematic focuses were in particular minority research and conflict research .


The Southeast Institute was founded in 1930 as the "Institute for Research into German Ethnicity in the South and Southeast". Under its first director, Karl Alexander von Müller (1882–1964), it was initially devoted to the Bavarian settlement history in this region.

From the entry of Fritz Valjavec (1909-1960) to the Institute (1935) all of Southeast Europe was taken into view; contacts were made with scientists from south-east Europe. During the Second World War, Valjavec was a professor at the Faculty of Foreign Studies at the University of Berlin , which was subordinate to the Reich Security Main Office .

In 1951 the institute resumed its work. Now, as a supplement to the historical one, the expansion of a contemporary department began. In the course of the relocation of the Science and Politics Foundation from Ebenhausen to Berlin in 2001, the staff of this department also moved to the federal capital. The reduced institute was relocated to Regensburg in 2007 by decision of the Bavarian Ministry of Science .

On January 1, 2012, the newly founded Institute for East and Southeast European Studies together with the East European Institute , which is legally based on the continuation of the “Foundation for Scientific Southeast European Research”. The archive of the Southeast Institute, which is important for the history of German Southeast European Studies (which, in addition to the service files, also includes large collections of Carl Patsch and Fritz Valjavec) is accessible for research in the Bavarian Main State Archive in Munich.



The library of the Southeast Institute comprised around 120,000 bibliographic units. This made it the second largest partner in the library in the Science Center for Eastern and Southeastern Europe. She evaluated the literature of Southeast Europe for the specialist portal IREON . Together with the University Library of Regensburg , she ran the Slovenian reading room .


The extensive publication activities of the institute included:


  • Southeast Research . International magazine for the history, culture and regional studies of Southeast Europe. Since 1936 ff. - From vol. 11 Oldenbourg, Munich; previous as Reprint Topos, Ruggell / Lichtenstein
  • List of articles up to 2003 in Karl Nehring Hg .: Südost-Forschungen. Southeast Institute Munich 1930 - 2005. Southeast Europe Bibliography. Festschrift for Edgar Hösch 70th Geb.- Oldenbourg, Munich 2005. Several registers (authors, articles, personal names, place names; Zs. Südosteuropa since year 31, 1982; further periodicals and papers on the topic. Statutes of the Foundation. Publications of the EH - General South East Europe Bibliography - Online Searchable ) ISBN 3486578871
  • Southeast Europe (1952 ff., Quarterly) (register for 1982-2003 in the anthology as above)


  • Lexicon on the History of Southeast Europe (2004)
  • History of Southeast Europe (2011)


  • Southeast European Works (1933–2011, 142 volumes)
  • Southeast Europe Bibliography (1956–1992, 6 volumes)
  • Studies on contemporary studies of Southeast Europe (1957–2002, 37 volumes)


  • Karl Nehring: History of the Southeast Institute. In: Karl Nehring (Red.): Southeast Institute Munich. 1930-1990. Mathias Bernath on his seventieth birthday. R. Oldenbourg, Munich 1990, ISBN 3-486-55847-1 , pp. 21-31 ( Südosteuropa-Bibliographie. Supplementary volume 2).
  • Gerhard Seewann : The Southeast Institute 1930–1960. In: Mathias Beer (Ed.): Southeast research in the shadow of the Third Reich. Institutions, content, people. Oldenbourg, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-486-57564-3 , pp. 49-92 ( Southeast European Works 119).
  • Tillmann Tegeler: A wake-up call that almost faded. The sedate "restart" of the Southeast Institute after 1945. In: Katrin Boeckh (Ed.): Eastern Europe in Regensburg. Institutions of Eastern European research in Regensburg from their historical perspective. Stadtarchiv, Regensburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-935052-66-5 , pp. 46–57 ( Regensburger Studien 13).

Web links


  1. a b History of the SOI