International Martin Luther Foundation

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The International Foundation Martin Luther was (10 November 2007 Luther's 524th birthday) in the refectory of the Luther House to Wittenberg as a foundation built and under civil law by the Frankfurt entrepreneur Günter Weispfenning equipped with an initial capital of € 1 million. The foundation has its seat in Eisenach and its office in Erfurt . The chairman of the board is the political scientist and journalist Michael J. Inacker . Deputy chairman and executive board member is the theologian Thomas A. Seidel , who is also the representative of the Thuringian government for the Luther Decade .

The foundation is supported by Peter L. Berger , John Kornblum , Eberhard Burger , Katrin Göring-Eckardt , Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller , Friedhelm Loh , Dagmar Schipanski and Christine Lieberknecht .

Foundation purpose and activities

The foundation has set itself the goal of translating the basic impulses of the Reformation into a topic-related and results-oriented dialogue between church , business , science and politics . It also supports people and groups who use their own talents and successes in the spirit of the Reformation tradition for the common good. Furthermore, it promotes ideas, projects and initiatives that cultivate and strengthen entrepreneurial courage and creativity, an economic ethos based on Christian values ​​and the Lutheran professional ethos. One goal is to support projects and organize conferences that promote national and international discourse with representatives and groups from business, church and politics about the value orientation of the social market economy. In addition, the debate on the role of the church in relation to the economy and society is to be continued with its own publications and analyzes .

Lutherrose Prize

The foundation has been awarding the " Luther Rose Prize" ( spelling Luther Rose ) every year since 2008 for social responsibility and entrepreneurial courage . The first award winner was Heinz-Horst Deichmann (2008).


The foundation supports the not-for-profit association, Jugend Unternehmer, with its student competition of the same name, which is based entirely on the Jugend forscht model and gives young people the opportunity to playfully deal with the topic of entrepreneurship.

In cooperation with the Luther Memorials Foundation, it also supports the restoration of a Bible (OT and NT) that was printed in Zurich in 1551.

For October 2013 to February 2014 the foundation planned a traveling exhibition under the title “The Protestant Rectory”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Archive link ( Memento from November 18, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Laureate of the Luther Rose
  3. PDF