Ion Budai-Deleanu

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Ion Budai-Deleanu (* 6. January 1760 in Cigmău , Hunedoara county , † 24. August 1820 in Lviv ) was a Romanian writer, historian, linguist, linguist and Rumänist .

life and work

Budai-Deleanu studied at the seminary in Blaj and from 1777 to 1779 at the University of Vienna . From 1780 to 1783 he was a scholarship holder at the Barbareum, the Greek-Catholic seminary of the Barbarakirche (Vienna), and received his doctorate there. In 1787 he was briefly a professor at Blaj's seminary, but because of a conflict with Bishop Ioan Bob he went to Lemberg and made a career there at the court.

As an intellectual supporter of the Enlightenment and (together with Petru Maior , Samuil Micu and Gheorghe Șincai ) as a representative of the Transylvanian School movement , a Romanian emancipation movement that emphasized the Romanic origins of the Romanians, he wrote numerous writings, most of which only after his death or even have recently been published. His burlesque national epic in twelve chants Ţiganiada sau tabăra ţiganilor (The Gypsy Camp ), written in Lemberg in 1800 (second version 1812), was not printed until 1875–1877.


  • Ţiganiada , ed. by Gheorghe Cardaş, Bucharest 1925; ed. by Jacques Byck , Bucharest 1953, 1958, 1967; critical ed. by Florea Fugariu, Bucharest 1969, 1973, Timişoara 1999 (first 1800,1812; Czech: Cikaniáda , Prague 1972; French: Tsiganiada, ou, Le campement des tsiganes , Bucharest 2003, first 1800,1812)
  • Lexicon românesc-nemțesc și nemțesc-românesc , Lemberg 1818 (Romanian-German dictionary, completed in 1808)
  • Trei viteji , ed. by Jacques Byck , Bucharest 1956, 1958
  • Încă un Supplex libellus românesc 1804 , ed. by D. Prodan, Klausenburg [Cluj-Napoca] 1970
  • Scrieri inedite , ed. by Iosif Pervain, Klausenburg 1970
  • Scrieri lingvistice , ed. by Mirela Teodorescu and Ion Ghet̡ie, Bucharest 1970
  • Cetăţenia română [Romanian nationality], Cluj-Napoca 1976
  • Teoria şi practica regimului parlamentar burghez [theory and practice of bourgeois parliamentarism], Cluj-Napoca 1978
  • Prezumţiile în drept: Prezumţii absolute [irrefutable conjectures], Cluj-Napoca 1981
  • De orginibus populorum Transylvaniae , Bucharest 1991
  • Opera. Ţiganiada, Trei viteji, Scrieri lingvistice, Scrieri istorice, Traduceri , ed. by Gheorghe Chivu and Eugen Pavel, Bucharest 2011


  • Ion Gheţie, I. Budai-Deleanu, teoretician al limbii literare, in: Limba romînă 7/2, 1958, pp. 23-39
  • Ion Gheţie, Opera lingvistică a lui Ion Budai-Deleanu , Bucharest 1966
  • Lucia Protopopescu, Noi contribut̡ii la biografia lui Ion Budai-Deleanu. Documents inedite , Bucharest 1967
  • Ioana Em Petrescu, Ion Budai-Deleanu şi eposul comic , Klausenburg 1974, ed. by Ioana Bot and Adrian Tudurachi, Cluj-Napoca 2011
  • Mircea Vaida, Ion Budai-Deleanu , Bucharest 1977
  • Elvira Sorohan, Introducere în opera lui Ion Budai-Deleanu , Bucharest 1984
  • Paul Miron, 189. Romanian Lexicography, in: Dictionaries. Dictionaries. Dictionnaires. An international handbook on lexicography. Second part of volume , ed. by Franz Josef Hausmann , Oskar Reichmann, Herbert Ernst Wiegand and Ladislav Zgusta , Berlin. New York 1990, p. 1882
  • Rajko Ðurić / Marcel Courthiade, Les Rroms dans les belles-lettres européennes. Suivi d'une étude de Marcel Courthiade sur La "Ţiganiada" de Ion Budai-Deleanu , Paris / Budapest 2004
  • Ion Urcan, Opera literară a lui Ion Budai-Deleanu în contextul secolului al XVIII-lea transilvănean și european , Cluj-Napoca 2004
  • Adriana Senatore, Ion Budai-Deleanu. Interesti linguistici e impegno letterario , Bari 2006
  • Ioan Chindriş and Niculina Iacob, Ioan Budai-Deleanu în mărturii antologice , Cluj-Napoca 2012.

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