Iryna Belska

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Iryna Belska (center) with DF Lupischko (2nd from left) and colleagues and students from their department

Iryna Mykolajiwna Belska ( Ukrainian Ірина Миколаївна Бельська , Russian Ирина Николаевна Бельская Irina Nikolaevna Belskaja * 14. November 1958 in the Oblast Kharkov , Ukrainian SSR ) is a Soviet - Ukrainian astronomer and high school teacher .


Belska graduated from the Physics - Mathematics School with a gold medal in 1975 and then began studying astronomy at the University of Kharkov . After graduating in 1980 with honors in the Kharkov University observatory . In 1987 she defended in Kiev main observatory of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine successfully her of Dmitri Fedorovich Lupischko supervised dissertation on photometry and polarimetry of asteroids M-type for promotion to the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Belska worked at the Uppsala Astronomical Observatory (1992–1993) and the Paris Observatory (2002–2004). She has received funding for her projects from the American Astronomical Society (1992), the German Academic Exchange Service (2000) and the European Space Agency (2003). In 2008 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis on the optical properties of the surfaces of asteroids, centaurs and the Kuiper belt for a doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences.

Belska heads the Department of Physics of Asteroids and Comets at the Kharkiv University Observatory and is Professor of the Department of Astronomy at the National University of Karasin in Kharkiv .

Honors, prizes

The asteroid (8786) Belskaya discovered by Claes-Ingvar Lagerkvist bears Belska (ja) s name.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Institute of Astronomy Kharkiv National University: Irina Belskaya (accessed August 17, 2020).
  2. Бельская, Ирина Николаевна: Фотометрия и поляриметрия астероидов М-типа: диссереранкока . Kharkov 1987.
  3. Бельська, Ірина Миколаївна: Оптичні властивості поверхонь астероїдів, кентаврів та тіл поясу Койпера [ Текст ]: автореф. дис ... д-ра фіз.-мат. наук: 01.03.03 . НАН України, Голов. астрон. обсерваторія, Kiev 2007.
  4. Указ Президента України № 594/2011 Про присудження Державних премій України в галузі науки і технодження Державних премій України в галузі науки і технікики і технікики і техніких, 2010 (accessed on August 17, 2010 .