Isabelle McEwen

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Isabelle McEwen (born January 6, 1954 in Montréal ) is a French-Canadian opera and theater director and artist.


Isabelle McEwen studied at Concordia University in Montréal, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Communication Arts). Then she went to Hamburg and studied opera directing there . She completed her studies at the University of Music and Theater / University of Hamburg in 1989 with a diploma and was also assistant to director Jérôme Savary in Hamburg, Vienna and at the Bregenz Festival from 1986 to 1988 .

She has directed her own productions since 1985, among others at the Opera Stabile , the Mitteldeutsche Landestheater Wittenberg , the Stadttheater Gießen and the Opera House Halle . In 1999 she changed her field of work from opera to performance . In 1999 she staged waiting for my turn to die, I'm sure I heard a laugh , in Dansateliers Rotterdam, followed in 2003 by her probably best-known work, Hure (so that there is no silence) based on the novel by Nelly Arcan at the festival feuer + flamme . In 2005 the piece was expanded into a theater performance. The piece in the Hamburger Sprachwerk received a lot of media coverage due to the topic and the staging.

In addition to theater and opera work, McEwen also works as a visual artist. In 1989 she began a collaboration with Leonard Dax , which lasted until 1997. She had solo exhibitions in 1999 and 2000 in various galleries in Hamburg. McEwen has also been making films since 2006. With her first film Whore , which was part of her theater work of the same name, she won first prize at the 1st Pornfilmfestival Berlin in 2006 .

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