General election in Iceland 2007

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2003General election in Iceland 20072009
Result (in%)
Gains and losses
compared to 2003
 % p
Distribution of seats
A total of 63 seats
  • V : 9
  • S : 18
  • B : 7
  • Q : 4
  • D : 25

The 2007 general election in Iceland took place on May 12, 2007. In the election, the 63 MPs of the Althing were redefined.

The election brought a victory for the Independence Party under Prime Minister Geir Haarde .


Surveys (in%)
Survey period D. B. S. V F. I.
May 2007 41 10 29 13 5 2
April 2007 40 9 21st 21st 5 3
March 2007 37 6th 20th 26th 6th -
February 2007 36 10 22nd 24 6th -
January 2007 37 9 22nd 22nd 9 -
December 2006 38 9 24 21st 11 -
November 2006 37 8th 25th 19th 11 -
October 2006 43 8th 25th 20th 4th -
September 2006 41 9 27 20th 3 -
August 2006 41 9 25th 22nd 3 -
July 2006 43 10 25th 20th 4th -
June 2006 43 9 25th 19th 4th -
Election 2003 33.7 17.7 31.0 8.8 7.4 -

Election result

Of the 221,368 eligible voters, 185,071 voted, which corresponds to a turnout of around 83.6%. 2909 or around 1.6% of the votes were invalid.

Overall result

In detail, the following results were obtained:

Result of the general election in Iceland in 2007
Political party be right Seats
number % +/- number +/-
Independence Party (D) 66,754 36.6 +2.9 25th +3
Alliance (S) 48,743 26.8 −4.2 18th −2
Left-Green Movement (V) 26,136 14.3 +5.5 9 +4
Progress Party (B) 21,350 11.7 −6.0 7th −5
Liberal Party of Iceland (F) 13,233 7.3 −0.1 4th -
Icelandic Movement (I) 5,953 3.3 +3.3 - -
total 182.169 100.0 63
Valid votes 182.169 98.4
Invalid votes 2,902 1.6
voter turnout 185.071 83.6
Eligible voters 221,330 100.0

Result by constituency

Elected MPs in the constituencies. Each box corresponds to one MP
Result by constituency
Political party northwest Northeast south southwest Reykjavík South Reykjavík North
% Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats % Seats
D. 29.1 3 28.0 3 36.0 4th 42.6 6th 39.2 5 36.4 4th
S. 21.2 2 20.8 2 26.8 2 28.4 4th 29.0 3 29.2 5
V 16.0 1 19.6 2 9.9 1 11.6 1 14.4 2 16.9 2
B. 18.8 1 24.6 3 18.7 2 7.2 1 5.9 - 6.2 -
F. 13.6 2 5.9 - 7.0 1 6.7 - 6.8 1 6.3 -
total 9 10 10 12 11 11

Government formation

Prime Minister Geir Haarde of the Independence Party ended the coalition of the Independence Party and the Progress Party after 12 years . Together with the second largest party, the Social Democratic Alliance , the Independence Party formed a grand coalition .

Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir from Allianz became foreign minister, while Árni M. Mathiesen from the Independence Party became finance minister .

End of government

In the wake of demonstrations in the winter of 2008/2009, the Icelandic government resigned in the spring of 2009, whereupon early new elections were announced for April 25, 2009 .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Results of parliamentary elections ( memento of the original from November 13, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Erakondade toetusreitingud Þjóðarpúls Gallup (Icelandic)
  3. ^ A b Election to Althing 2007
  4. Thorkell Helgason: Apportionment of Seats to Althingi, the Icelandic Parliament: Analysis of the Elections on May 10, 2003, May 12, 2007, April 25, 2009 and April 27, 2013. (PDF) Icelandic Election Commission, November 2013, accessed on October 29, 2017 (English).