General election in Iceland 1991

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1987Parliamentary election 19911995
Result (in%)
Gains and losses
compared to 1987
 % p
± 0.0
Distribution of seats in the lower house
A total of 42 seats
  • G : 6
  • V : 3
  • A : 7
  • B : 9
  • D : 17
Allocation of seats upper house
A total of 21 seats
  • G : 3
  • V : 2
  • A : 3
  • B : 4
  • D : 9

The 1991 general election in Iceland took place on April 20, 1991. The two chambers (lower and upper house) of the national parliament Althing were newly elected . There were 63 seats available for election; 42 in the lower house and 21 in the upper house.

The election brought a victory for the Independence Party under Davíð Oddsson , who replaced Steingrímur Hermannsson from the Progressive Party as Prime Minister. Davíðs party was able to unite 38.6% of the vote and thus reached 8 more seats. However, the Citizens' Party ( Borgaraflokkurinn ), which had only been founded in 1987 , a split from the Independence Party, which had received 10.9% of the vote and 7 seats in the 1987 parliamentary elections, was practically absorbed again in the Independence Party in 1991.

The Samtök to jafnrétti og félagshyggju ( Engl. Association for Equality and Social Justice , dt. Association for equality and social justice ), who won a seat in the election in 1987 in the Althing, was not represented in Parliament.

Davíð formed a coalition with the Social Democratic Party after the election .

Election result

Of the 182,768 eligible voters, 160,142 voted, which corresponds to a turnout of around 87.6%. 2,373 or around 1.5% of the votes were invalid.

In detail, the following results were obtained:

Result of the 1991 general election in Iceland
Political party be right House of Commons House of Lords
number % +/- Seats +/- Seats +/-
Independence Party (D) 60,836 38.6 +11.4 17th +5 9 +3
Progress Party (B) 29,866 18.9 - 9 −1 4th +1
Social Democratic Party of Iceland (A) 24,459 15.5 +0.3 7th - 3 -
People's Alliance (G) 22,706 14.4 +1.1 6th +1 3 -
Women's Alliance (V) 13,069 8.3 −1.8 3 −1 2 -
Others 6,833 4.3 - - - - -
total 157,769 100.0 42 21st
Valid votes 157,769 98.5
Invalid votes 2,373 1.5
voter turnout 160.142 87.6
Eligible voters 182,768 100.0

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Results of parliamentary elections ( memento of the original from November 13, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ A b Election to Althing 1991