Presidential election in Iceland 2020

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Winner of the election Guðni Th. Jóhannesson (2017)

The 2020 presidential election in Iceland officially took place on June 27, 2020, but was staggered from May 25, 2020. The Icelandic head of state was elected for a period of four years. The candidates were the incumbent Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and Guðmundur Franklín Jónsson . The election was won with a turnout of 66.9 percent nationwide with 92.2 percent of the votes by Guðni Th. Jóhannesson.


Confirmed candidates

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson , President of Iceland since August 1, 2016, ran for re-election. The only rival candidate confirmed was Guðmundur Franklín Jónsson , businessman and former chairman of the right-wing Green People's Party, which existed from 2010 to 2016 . Other people who had announced their candidacy had withdrawn it or did not reach the minimum number of 1,500 supporters required by the Icelandic constitution .

Survey results

According to an Icelandic Gallup survey on June 3, 2020, 90.4% of Icelandic voters would have elected Guðni Th. Jóhannesson for a second term. 9.6% were in favor of Guðmundur Franklín Jónsson.


Voting in person in polling stations was also possible in 2020, but did not take place exclusively on the official election date of June 27th, but staggered from May 25th in various locations , in the capital area in particular in the Smáralind shopping center .


Results in graphical representation

After the Southwest Constituency result was available, the official nationwide result was announced. The election winner in all parts of the country was by a large majority Guðni Th. Jóhannesson.

Official end result
Constituency Guðni Th. Jóhannesson Guðmundur Franklín Jónsson Ballot Participation
be right percent be right percent Empty Invalid All in all
(Southern constituency)
21,098 90.3% 2,276 9.7% 656 191 24,221 64.7%
(Southwest Constituency)
44,630 92.8% 3,461 7.2% 1,083 286 49,460 68.0%
(Northeast Constituency)
18,535 93.4% 1.317 6.6% 549 113 20,514 69.1%
Reykjavik Constituency North
(constituency Reykjavík North)
26,800 92.2% 2,259 7.8% 678 213 46,047 65.0%
(Northwest Constituency)
13,301 92.0% 1,150 8.0% 382 55 14,888 69.2%
Reykjavíkurkjördæmi suður
(Reykjavík South constituency)
26,549 91.9% 2,334 8.1% 695 210 29,788 66.5%
Iceland as a whole 150.913 92.2% 12,797 7.8% 4.043 1,068 168,821 66.9%

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frambjóðendur til kjörs forseta Íslands 2020 ( Icelandic ) Dómsmálaráðuneytið. May 27, 2020. Accessed June 5, 2020.
  2. Constitution of the Republic of Iceland ( English ) Retrieved on 5 June 2020th
  3. Forsetakosningar 2020 - Þjóðarpúls Gallup ( Icelandic ) Gallup. June 3, 2020. Accessed June 5, 2020.
  4. Larissa Kyzer: Absentee Voting for President Starts Monday ( English ) In: Iceland Review . May 24, 2020. Accessed June 5, 2020.
  5. a b FORSETAKOSNINGAR 2020. RÚV, accessed on June 28, 2020 (Icelandic).