Ivan Avgustowitsch Oding

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Ivan Awgustowitsch Oding ( Russian Иван Августович Одинг * June 24 . Jul / 6. July  1896 greg. In Riga , † 7. May 1964 in Moscow ) was a Latvian - Russian materials scientists and university teachers .


Oding was the son of a locksmith who moved with his family to St. Petersburg soon after Oding was born . After attending secondary school with graduation in 1913, Oding studied at the mechanical faculty of the Petrograd Technological Institute with graduation in 1921. He stayed there as an assistant at the chair for metallography and heat treatment .

In 1930 Oding became a lecturer at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute at the Chair of Materials Science , which he soon took over. In 1937 he received his doctorate in technical sciences and in 1938 he was appointed professor. He carried out his research at the Elektrosila plant , where he had set up a laboratory for the analysis of metals in 1923 . Here he investigated the properties of large forgings and castings as well as processes of material fatigue for the construction of large turbo generators . For this he received the Stalin Prize, First Class.

Through his interdisciplinary approach, he made fundamental contributions to understanding the strength of materials , improving properties and increasing strength. He also contributed to the theory of fatigue and dislocation theory in metals. He investigated processes of cold forming and welding , heat treatments of steels , problems of high temperature strength and creep . He published his experiences in his textbook on metal science .

During the German-Soviet war with the Leningrad blockade , he continued to work in the institute in Leningrad and did guard duty after work. From February 1942 he worked in the Nevsky engineering factory, with which he was evacuated from Leningrad to Moscow in July 1942 . There he became a member of the CPSU in 1942 and director of the Central Research Institute for Heavy Machinery. In 1946 he became a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) . In 1947 he became the deputy director of the AN-SSSR Institute for Machine Technology.

In 1953 Oding moved to the Moscow Baikow Institute for Metallurgy and Materials Science of the AN-SSSR, where he became laboratory manager and deputy director. From 1954 onwards, he headed the chair for metal technology in the electrical engineering faculty of the Moscow Energy Institute (MEI) .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Стасенко, Никита: Иван Августович Одинг - крупный учёный и педагог (accessed April 6, 2017) . In: Энергетик . No. 7 , 2016, p. 4-6 .
  2. a b c d MEI: Одинг Иван Августович (1896–1964) (accessed April 7, 2017).
  3. a b c d Baikow Institute: Одинг Иван Августович (accessed April 7, 2017).
  4. Oding, IA: New methods for testing metals for creep resistance and recovery . Verlag Technik, Berlin 1952.
  5. Одинг И. А .: Прочность металлов . 2nd Edition. ОНТИ, Moscow 1935.
  6. Энергомашу - 60 лет . Изд-во МЭИ, Moscow 2003.